Sightings Thread

Gray E46 3 series wave to me while leaving the Altamont Fair around 730. Anyone here?

Red miata lowered to the ground on northway southbound @ exit 4 at 9:40. We exchanged glances.

think nick death by 5.0 is at vent if not u have a twin dude

Not me. There are many fat half retarded lookin guys out there.

was like damn mofo is jacked

saw a suzuka blue s2k cut off 4 people on western last night then swerve in front of oncoming traffic almost hitting another 2 cars. was pulling into 1700 western apartment complex

Invidia exhaust bald black guy driving? If so I’ve seen him driving like a dick on western on multiple occasions. It’ll be another S2K you can fix up and flip soon enough :rofl

While driving into work on 90 this morning saw an old (boxy style without flip up headlights) Accord weaving in and out of traffic. Cut off one guy in a newer buick badly in the left lane, then cut off a large box truck in the center lane causing him to jab the brakes good. Then took off in an opening. Seriously coulda killed some people if the other drivers weren’t on their toes or reacted any differently.

theres a dude with a blue ap2 s2k that drives like a dickwad in my parking garage

I may be close minded, but I typically see two types of S2000 drivers. The responsible ones that drive conservatively and have their safe spirited driving jaunts here and there when its not busy, and then the other type who are pinned at 9K RPM’s all day every day. Although I guess that could go for just about every sporty car out there lol.

I see a kid in colonie all the time in a silver one who drives like a cholo

I saw the same car this morning on 155 going towards Western. Was riding the ass of the guy in front of him.

I bet you drive like a prince

You ever seen those Saudi princes drive? They be crazy!

S2000’s are stupid.


Yeah especially if you own one that almost touches the ground and live in Vermont.


Yesterday at 5pm rush hour, had someone come to a complete stop right in front of me in the left lane heading west on Washington Ave, exactly parallel to the guardrail of the missed Fuller Road exit. They put their right blinker thinking that they could magically make a 180* turn and some how make it onto the Fuller road exit ramp.

Saw avb on wolf rd, I was on the black stunt bike. Car looks good man!

People are dumb. Saw a guy trying to back out of the ramp coming into the garage I park in this morning with a line of cars behind him coming off the 787 arterial.