Sightings Thread


like 95%+ of them shouldn’t even touch a wrench. some real idiots “graduated” with a degree in auto from there. :Idiots

I graduated from there twice in auto programs

again… not everybody, but the majority are retards.

Its not hard to graduate from those programs for sure. Most of the classes and teachers are a joke. I learned more and did more in Votech.

i hear ya… i learned more, and know more from hands on experience.

I seriously wish I didnt waste my time and money going there. $9k in tuition and a few grand in tools. I couldve had a sweet car instead.

Both of my brothers never went to college and have better jobs, actually careers than me.

holy crap, thats a good amount of cake dude…

Definately. And I didnt have one student loan or get any money from my parents.


is that the white stepside ive seen or a different one?

No that one is owned by “Jake the Snake”


i think i want to go to hvcc for one semester just to experience these people first hand

You don’t have to go there, I swing by on my lunch/in between work and class and experience them :rofl

i cant do that when i’m in NYC lol

Thats what I miss about Siena, there was no idiots there that did shit like that. And if there was I just shouted at them with my megaphone haha. Good times…

where did you get your megaphone? seems like it would be a good time :lol

Harbor Fruit has them

will they work for more than 4 minutes? and do they run on batteries or wat

It was 10 bucks at harbor freight. Had it for like 2 years and it hasn’t broke. Been through drunken college nights, snow, rain, you name it. And yes, runs on 4 C batteries.

i DONT fucking KNOW