Sightings Thread

I saw that at Ruby Tuesdays on 146 today

Theres all kinds of crackheads and wackos in that area. My work was renting a place on Church Street for a while and when I was there Id always see interesting people around.

saw dustin in the scion on western yesterday. was going to wave or honk but i was scratching my arm and was too lazy to reach out the window or to the horn button :lol

Yup! Your bike is almost bigger than your Fit! :lol

i saw a u-haul towing a red 240z with pennsylvania plates on western

-Saw a Cobra R with numbers and other misc. decals on it getting towed down I-90
-Also saw a lightish grey Evo X on Wade Rd. Ext. by Target
-New black M5 at Price Chopper in Latham
-Black GT-R at Hess next to Langan Audi on Rt.9
-White Hyundai Tiburon with exhaust and rims revving at me on Rt.7 in Latham :facepalm

That Tiburon might have been the one with a blower. I think he’s a member here.

The supercharged tiburon has stock wheels

Yeah, def. not Ed.
It was some young kid with like 18" chrome wheels.

Saw a black murci today. Thought it was lias ferrari then i was like oh shit. Ive seen the orange one get pulled over before.

Older Sti on Central today. It was blue with gold wheels, looked immaculate

I dont know what it is right now with young kids in tiburons thinking their shit is killer fast

I had some kid in a brand new style one before the Genesis with 2 fart cans fuck with me and my girl on route 9 and his buddy with a new wrx behind him…I made them look like fools.

Yeah this kid was next to me with a car in front of him and he was like staying in 2nd gear winding it out and I just kept driving normal as he floored it and almost hit me + the person in front of him in his act of swerving showing me how cool and fast his Hyundai was!!!



Saw a wicked clean new WRX at siena with gold BBS wheels… looked great.


Yeah that’s a seriously unique car.


Were you on Central by Colvin Ave at like 7pm? I’m pretty sure I saw you


Calm it down buddy

That would be a new STI.:retardclap:haha