Sightings Thread

Yellow cobalt w cf hood in cp

lol the owner of that car is the biggest redneck I have ever met

this summer I was at the gas station in my camaro and he came flying in and parked next to me at the pump, asking me about my car and saying how he is going to have 500+hp when he builds his motor and puts a turbo on it…he has the biggest redneck accent also haha

Saw a black Nissan GTAaaaaaaaRGH leaving Vly onto rt7 earlier today.

Damn the car looks menacing in person.

passed a guy driving a powerchair on the side of i90, and then he got pulled over :lmao

Saw love4boost’s old ricey DelSol on 9W on the way home from my grandpa’s funeral yesterday afternoon.

finally found a spot instead of having to walk all the way from the playdium in the cold

your car is badass dude…love it…

Did he roast you?

Nah, my 390whp 30R EG coupe put bus lengths on him…even on the cold roads with 195/50 snow tires. That thing sucks, just as bad as the red intercooler.


doesnt make sense becuase from my understanding he was around 580whp, correct me if im wrong but 580 would beat the piss off 390?

oohhh waiitttt, I forgot to consider the power to weight ratio and with a 48 pound drive and all of COURSE you would take the win, how silly of me

580whp is false, and clearly so after my encounter. Thing poured black and blue smoke. What a roach.

No need to get personal because your old car sucks huge dick man, it’s ok. You should be glad you don’t own such a pile anymore.

Kind of surprised you didnt fall backwards with that backpack on man, have you been lifting?

It’s not personal unless you make it personal bruthaaaa… And I got $9k for that “huge sick ducking roach car” fuck do I care?

I didn’t make it personal, you did with that picture and unnecessary paint garbage. I simply stated that I saw that junker, and that was it. You took offense

That Del sol was mine at one point in time and I did alot of work to it, I could call your shit talking towards it personal just as you can call my ms paint skills personal… Dont talk shit if you cant take it little man.

I’ll talk shit all day…the car is a riced out shitbox that does not make 580whp, I really couldn’t care less about you calling me small…you really don’t think I’ve heard that before?