Sightings Thread

I saw a black wrx at hvcc too, with red wheels, tint, etc.

thatd be corEy

its an inside joke type thing :facepalm
lol i handed him his beer money

I actually saw your ride yesterday too corEy… had a class in DCC

hahah ahhhh thatttttt story, sorry im not in on the hvcc jokes between the budddieyzz lmao

Wait, so who drives the WRX?

you can say that again lol

Sometimes I honestly wonder if the ~120k or so thusfar has been worth it. Financially, I think it would have been better to go to HVCC and transfer. But I wouldn’t trade my experience here and the people I met for any amount of money, so I have to feel its been worth it. HVCC FTW though for a solid starting point.

HVCC is worth the 2 grand every semester just for the lulz alone. :rofl

I didnt see that but I did see you there and blew the horn at you a few times.

yeah i didnt know what that was at first then when i pulled around i saw the plaza logo. i thought you were beeping at the other truck there.

last name saget first name bob, put it together you get BOB SAGET

Oh, kid said his name was Corey, then his exhaust fell off. idk.

HVCC is free for me…

I’m about to move onto SUNY this summer.

what are you blk?


KFC would’ve dropped out by now.

oh, ok. I do see you at random times and places though.

The other truck was beeping at the dumb cunt who walked behind the truck while he was backing up.

nice ninja edit there, sir
