SIGN THIS PETITION PLEASE!!!! <---- petition to remove front license plates.

Signed. Why did people need them in the first place?

^cash cow for the province.

In 2004 the province of Saskatchewan joined five other provinces who no longer require a front license plate - reportedly saving the government $370 000 per year,

not so much a cash cow, they are pointless and they do cause more damage by bumper to bumper collisions that can be avoided.
anyways IM FOR IT! everyone should really sign this

Signed it, car look so much better better witout front plates, with it it totally changes the whole purpose of millions spent on design cue’s.

I support no front license plate-signed

signed…i hope it’s gonna work…:slight_smile:

But i had plan to look JDM tyte by putting it to the side to let more air into my FMIC that doesnt exist!