Signing In From LA

hey guys,
haven’t been on in a couple of days. i just found out that there’s internet access in my hotel room, so i hooked the laptop up and here i am!

having a great trip so far. we went to Beverly Hills today, walked around Rodeo Drive and the walk of fame etc. it’s not terribly warm here, only around 16-20 C, and it rained today, but it’s still damn nice and much better weather-wise then home.

also, you would not believe the cars here. ever other car is something over $50,000. i’ve only been here for 2 days, yet i’ve already seen at least 50 brand-new Benz SL500’s. plus, every other SUV has 20+ inch rims on it. Navigators, Escalade’s, H2’s etc. i’ve seen a Vanquish, an S7, a 575 Maranello, 2 Gallardo’s, 3 360 Modena’s, 3 Rolls Royce Phaeton’s, a new Bentley Continental GT and countless others. the best will come tomorrow though. i’m heading out to DriftDay13 at California Speedway to check out the festivities. i’ll make sure to get a butt-load of pictures and post them up when i get back on Sunday.

anyways, just thought i’d check in with you guys. talk to you again on Sunday.


ah kool man keep us updated 8)

werd up…glad to hear ur having a fun time :stuck_out_tongue:


DD13 was AWESOME!!!

Akinori Utsumi was there in the DRFT FD3S, as well as Chris Foresberg in the third Signal 1580.

many of the amateurs were tearing it up. some of the nicest 240SX’s and AE86’s i have ever seen, including JDMRice Richard Tang’s car, the Mckinney Motorsports RB25 S13, a 1JZ powered S13 fastback, and many many other incredible cars.

i got oodles and oodles of pics and video that i will post up upon my return home tomorrow night.

oh, and i had a good long talk with Moto-P of Club4AG fame, AKA the guy who runs all these DD’s. he said he’s looking forward to coming back to Canada on August 1st for the DriftNation Drift Battle at Cayuga Speedway!
