Thank you for once again giving me some thing to do while I should be studying.
Seriously. Actually working at work sucked extra hard for those 3 days
+1, shit has sucked at school on breaks and shit without this.
+2389 lol
Didn’t realize how much I really was on here everday till it was gone. Thanks again Singh
Ok so setup a paypal button now!
Yo guys my bad about the downtime, its pretty fuckin embarassin tbh. with the amount of money i make there shouldn’t be any excuse for this bs but to be honest im completely irresponsible with my money im not gonna lie. im working on getting that fixed because i dont want to turn into some failvis or anything. i have alot of bills and the website server shit isnt the first most important thing for me to get paid.
that being said, i can’t afford to keep paying this stupid amount of money for a server that shift honestly doesnt even need, my contract with this server SHOULD be up shortly and I will be switching the server to something a bit smaller and alot more cheaper.
when this is down and im scrambling for cash for all kinds of things, it really fucks with my head when my phone and email/fb are getting blown up. i know its all jokes and shit but when you’re already stressed out hardcore it just fuckin pisses you off yano
anyways enjoy guys
Quit sucking singh’s dick everybody. WHAT THE FUCK. I was miserable for 3 days because of that no-talent-ass-clown!!!
Just fucking with you bro!!! You do a great job, thanks for getting us back up and running and back to wasting time on the beloved internet!! If you need any help let me know man!! :thumbup :thumbup
singh doesn’t know shit about the internet
Strong work Singh. I say we all contribute cash if need be to keep this site going.
shit doesnt know singh about the internet.
Setup PP naow.
i got some money to throw down! thanks singh!!!
We demand embedded youtube capability as compensation for the downtime.
Down with the management :shifty
we need to renew the vbulletin license in order to really do that since we can’t login or download any plugins for vbulletin unless they are super 3rd party, but nearly every plugin is on the official vbulletin forums, can’t login until the license is renewed…
im personally wanting to upgrade to vbulletin 4 hardcore… they have a new cms for vbulletin, that isnt just a blog, a full blown CMS setup for a full website blog and forums… that got me really interested… especially since another forum in new york has started using it with good success…
its a 300 dollar license i believe… def something I want to look into doing tho
I’d be willing to donate a few Paypal bucks.
Talk to Jammer. I remember him saying that AUG hardly costs him anything to run.