Site has been hacked again!!!!!/Club participation

I have noticed this site has been dead alot longer than we have been in the recession. The web site is dead it dosen’t cost money to post. When I joined in 2006 it seemed alot busier i was a paying member back then I personally didn’t find I got anything for my money I live out of town and can’t make alot of the functions so i never renewed my membership local guys might get more for the money with the BBQ . Me personally there is not alot for me here as far as technical info or other heavily modded VQ35s hopefully that ill come as they become more popular. I don’t know what the issue is but I wish things would pick up it is nice to connect with local Nissan owners i like all Nissans not just the platforms I own and I was hoping the recent picture share thread would take off so we could see what everyone drives and see some nice local cars.