Yeah, where’s that web designer guy when you need him eh? lol
I try my best to update the side as best as possible, and will do so tomorrow between homework and school.
As far as the photoshoot goes, well, to tell the truth, I just wanted to see a huge ass turnout for the purpose of having the pictures to “show off”. There are a lot of people that have Nissan’s that are currently not members, lurk on the site, and think that they don’t want to be a member because there are either not enough of us, or it’s not worth it (everyone has their own reasons). So I just wanted to make the photo shoot large, to basically advertise and what not. If you know what I mean.
The first year will be shaky I know, but I’ll do my best to get everything in order within the next few months.
On the To Do List is:
- Update site, and make it not “under construstion” etc.
- Together we will figure out what the policies are for non-members in attending events
- Not for profit organization stuff.
It’s one thing to say on the internet that we won’t let non-members come to the events, but another thing to walk up to them, and tell them they can’t be there unless they pay their membership fee. I feel like an ass doing that.
I just wanted the membership base to be large enough so that we were able to say “hey, you’re not a member, you’ve gotz to go”, and still have enough people at the meeting’s or events. You know?
But after 1 full summer, we have filled the “quota”, and can now enforce things a little bit better, because we are in a sense, a force to recon with. lol.
As far as listing the official members, well, under everyones name, there is a title that they have. Also, on the homepage, there is a member’s list. Also, on the front of the forum page, at the top there is a section called “User groups”; this lists the people considered “members”.
I appreciate people bringing these kinds of things to my attention. I know it’s hard to say things like this in person, so feel free to say stuff like that on here. It’s what it’s for, this is what I’m here for.
And by admin, you may as well say “Aaron”. lol. At the moment, no one is really helping me, or doing anything.
I hope this answers some questions, although not all. Fire them in this direction.