skyline laws

Pot, meet kettle. Keep bench racing for everyone on the Nisky Lot page.

Well, thank you for providing proof that you can’t fix stupid.

You dopes don’t even realize I’m not arguing that it can’t be registered an insured. I’m arguing with facts that the car is federally illegal. They are banned from further import. Most states, such as Florida, Arizona, Vermont, and a few others don’t care what you register there. That doesn’t mean they are federally legal. Look up state legal vs. federally legal Skylines. I couldn’t care less if you want the car more because it’s illegal. You have more disposable income than I do if you don’t care about your assets (the car) being seized and crushed without any financial reimbursement.

But what do I know. I mean I’d definitely take the advice from someone who read something some guy posted online over the advice of someone that’s owned two and was an active member of the community.