Sleeper-1 Grindpunk16-0

Well alot of u know that grindunk19 screwed me and many others over with money n parts so i decided to pay back PS n myself…

I got his schedule from work n called to see when he was working,with a lil help from another PS memeber as well as others i tracked him down after close to a month of wating n non payment. I called his work today n he was stunned,i told him i was coming to get my money,he then said he is sending the injectors back(which was a lie) so i took a trip and got Mapquest from someone n headed to his work to get my fucking money,ya let me tell u…2 hours in the snow covered roads to Butler FTL,but it is the PRINCIPAL that matters! let me tell u he was stunned to hear from me n find out his place of living n work and to actually show up.

Fuck scam artists! Do not deal with this kid please…

Fucker didn’t know about me eh…:smiley:

way to go i hate people that dothat kind of shit

oh wow

congrats…i agree on the principal part… i need my money lol

we need a buyers sellers feed back section. or even a trader rating like i seen on other boards

his employer gave you his work schedule??
if i were him i’d be pissed, thats Illegal for the employer to do…

good you got your money or injectors back tho

JIMMY WIGGELS got :owned:

:eek3: :eek3:

Yup gave me his work schedule and i got my money. Hell…i even got lost two times on the way tehre n one of the other employess gave me directions on how to get there twice,bwahahahaha. Kid didn’t expect me to actually go through with gettine my money,most just let it go. Hopefully he learns his lesson!

What was the confrontation like? Sweet you got what he owed you

I walked in,customers were there,he was helping a girl out and bsing her about a oil addative and trying to get her to buy it so i waited. He comes up to his counter and asks who was next,i walk up and say jim? Yes. I’m sleeper,he didn’t say one word and handed me the money b4 i even got to the counter and i siad in front of his customers n n employees. “You know. it’s a shame i had to come all the way up here to get my money, maybe u will think about this next time u try to rip someone off”. He was scarred a lil bit n everybody in the store was looking at me,he went to shake my hand n i didn’t,i turned n walked away, then i turned around and asked how to get back to pitt and he GLADLY told me how,LMFAO! I walked out n left. Nothinhg major just to the point n beleive me i got my point across and he was disturbed by it. When i called him up earlier that day i told him that i knew his schedule,i knew whwere he lived,i knew where he goes to school,i knew his familys numbers adn i told him i would be up n not to pull any of that (cough cough) i feel like hsit can i go home bullshit b4 i got thetre becasue it would make things worse! And i am normally not a violent man but he crossed the line n we could settle this one of two ways,lmao. He was like.i ma at work adn i can’t get teh money so i told him then i will see u at 9 when u get off and WE will go to your bank n get MY money,so he glady said he would go get it b4 hand. It was funny as hell and i was pissed off.

see how easy it is to get lost

:spank: :dunno:

sounds like it went smooth…i guess for the beat ass situation it turned out decent

shoulda called me devin i would have given you good directions… did you just take rt 8 all the way out from 28?

glad he payed up… and im deleting him from my buddies list right now.

I just heard from a pittspeeder at the hooters meet that he started acting shady and fucking people over with stuff. Its a shame things had to come to this.

Glad to see you got your share.

devin is gangsta… geah

ya it aint hard, 28 to rt 8 go up to gibsona


nice job tho devin