Slight Rust on my 2.5RS... Bodyshop suggestions

The front driver’s side pillar is starting to rust a bit… I think I caught it in the early enough stages that it will be able to be fixed so that I prevent further damage. The paint is just starting to bubble up and flake in an area about 2" x 3".

My question is 2fold:

  1. does anyone local on this forum still do bodywork? And, if so, would you be willing to take a look and get me a time/cost estimate for different options?

  2. if option 1 isnt available, where would be the best place to take this to be fixed? I dont want to spend a small fortune on a car that I just want to last for me to daily drive it for a few years, but I do want to keep it in good shape… essentially, I am looking for a place that would do a solid job while not raping me on the cost.

I also would like to get a small dent on the very front part of my hood fixed. Any and all suggestions are appreciated.

Thanks in advance for the help guys!

option 3: sell it :wink:

it’s going to come back

and back and back and back

take it to schmidt’s for rustop annually for the next few years til you sell it to keep it to a minimum. i wish more people knew about that undercoat :frowning:

contact: kyle91987