Small DIY: Snow tire rack

I decided this weekend that the kids stuff is requiring a little more floor space in my garage so it was time to reclaim the corner where I store my snows. Tire Rack makes the exact shelf system I need but I was too cheap to pay $129.99 + shipping.

$15 in lumber and fasteners and about 3 hours later:

Once it was mounted I did one pullup and figured if it could hold my fat ass the tires would be no problem.

i’d laugh if all that shit came crashing down once you tried the pullup. would make a great clip on America’s funniest home videos.

nice job on managing your space though

I think this thread is fake, I don’t believe that you did one pull up. jk looks good.

:tup: Cheap and useful. Good job.

I’ve always had a hard time spending money on shelving/work areas too. That stuff isn’t too hard to make yourself, and it’s fun to build as well.


I’ll take $15 over $129.99 for that.


you have a kid?

I just built this workbench, it’s sturdy, easy, fun and satisfying. (ignore the toadstool)

paint the wood a color =)

Ha… 3 years now. She’s been in the random picture thread lots of times.

Looks fantastic jay. 3 hours though??? I bet it’s perfect though.
I just made a huge shelf for storage with 5 bucks in screws and 8 bucks for some angle joists for rigidity using junkyard wood (no really, it’s bad wood). It’s a 7’ wide, 3’ deep, 8’ tall 3 tier shelf and it’s hold ~2000 lbs of shit with minimal bowing on the shelves. To buy a good shelf that size would have been 500+. I love being cheap.

Three hours included 3 trips to Lowes because I’m better at building than adding.

damn, i would need about six of those… LOL

looks great! nice job

Bump, building this for my garage.

Mine still works perfect. Nice bump. :tup:

post up pics when done. I’m going to do a long rail system in the shed for all the tires i’ve accumulated over the years

can fit 4 sets of wheels/tires on mine… could use another tier at this point though lol

^ exactly what I had in mind, that is sweet. Minimal materials needed and plenty of storage

I’m surprised that doesn’t end up bowing out more with that much distance between supports. I didn’t put a lot of thought into the design though, just took the tire rack one and duplicated it with wood.

I have the Michelin ones from Amazon…“free” using points. Holds 8 tires/wheels securely and has room to add down the line.

racks on racks on racks