The 93 240Sx that I recently purchased has a small surface rust patch about the size of a dime on the bottom of the rocker panel. The rust is just begining and is just a small bubble in the paint. However i want to stop it before the probelm spreads. what i was thinking of doing was
Masking off the area,
Sanding it down to the metal
Using a dremil with a wire brush to make sure everything is off
Is there any sort of a rust killer that i can purchase and apply to the metal to stop the rust from comming back and soak anything up?
Priming the surface
Sanding the primer
Painting the small patch factory white
Applying a fine layer of clear coat to the patch.
My Second question is where can i get a spray can of factory White paint?
or somthing very close seeing as its ont he bottom of the rocker underneath.
And Third, about how thick is the metal on the rockers, i dont want to sand threw it.
Indeed it does but you don’t want to use it on a surface where you will be painting.
Sand it down to the metal, and prime with RED OXIDE primer.
That will stop it from rusting.
But in your case the rust is coming from the inside, so your will have
to cut out and weld in a new pice of metal there because even if you
get it to the bare metal, you will still have serious rust issues inbehind
it. And it will spread withing a month or to. I say get it done by a pro.
Ask Gonad how much he pied for his rockers to get redone.