Smokers: Please Use Your Ashtrays

i think it’s funny when people START smoking at like age 25…

Crazy smokers… hurting the non smokers and littering like crazy. :tdown:

when i finish my 375s of crown, i typically just chuck them at stop signs and the such :gotme:

*blazers are BAD ASS :tup:

People who start smoking after highschool are mind-boggling creatures.


all the materials that make up a cigarette, are from the ground.

The tobacco, paper, and filter…

its bio-degradable.


Haha. A guy who used to work for me, started smoking when he was 42 or 43.

So that makes it perfectly ok to litter? WRONG!

I didn’t realize all those toxins like rocket fuel and ALL the other shit they put in there came from the ground and is safe to throw everywhere.

are you kidding me?

so if your car is leaking a little motor oil, you are causing a huge problem for the environment?

when you are done smoking a cigarette, there is nothing left, but the paper, and filter anyways.

“It’s ok Officer, that bean burrito and styrofoam cup of coffee I just threw out the window doing 65 down the thruway will degrade into the ground… so that makes it ok.”

Doesn’t work with anything else, it shouldn’t work with cigerettes.

by that logic i could change my oil and dump it down the storm drain; right?

i mean it came from the ground… i’m just putting it back. :meh:

the worst is when the butt hits my nice black paint at 65mph on the 190

Exactly… his logic is all wrong.

God I hate that… sparks everywhere.

When did it become ok to litter just because you are killing yourself with cigerettes?

It may seem trite, but doesnt anyone else see the irony?

“As I was driving my car, (which produces exhaust fumes that kill the environment, and creates much more non-biodegradable material (old tires, oil, etc…) that only have about a 30% chance of being recycled) some dickbag tossed a tiny little piece of paper out the window. OMG woe is the environment!”

I think it has to do with the act of just throwing it on the ground making the streets and yards and what not look like shit.

i could care less about the pollution…i am more concerned about my paint

Meh, look on the bright side. Youll have the last laugh when all the smokers have died of some disgusting illness


I’d still rather not see all this shit on the ground at being thrown out of windows of cars instead of thinking… “Oh, well they are all dieing early anyway.”

so look the other way?

Ya, then look the other way when I start throwing all kinds of shit out the window of my car… littering.