Smokindiesel's 1996 Dodge Cummins 12 Valve

umm… i kinda want one now!!

Thanks Zach, I can’t wait for you to check it out in person!!

Guffy got his ride today … :bigok:

lucky bastard

come to hybrid tommorow and give me a ride =x

Weather is supposed to be shitty tomorrow Wayne … & Sunday. Im going to start tuning next week … so lets shoot for then

learn to spell my name focker…its guffEy :rofl:

:smiley: :tounge: :moon:

mike, ur truck runs real good man…i like it even tho its a dodge :tounge:

Damnit … I always forget the E … Sorry dude!!

Thanks man … It was fun tonight thats for sure … As the tuning comes in, I will swing down and take you for a cruise

sweet…we gotta stop down the dam and get some pics of ur truck next time…i’ll get out and take some “action” shots too for ya, since ur not talented enough to do both…:rofl:

Most def dude …Thanks … We will hook up next week!

any updates?

Got a question? why the hell do all these cummins guys love when they see smoke?

Started doing some tuning Joe, and it’s getting there. Im still running low boost (50 psi), and I still have my stage 3 water/meth to install, and some other things. But it’s definitly getting there. I want to put some more miles on it, and re-adjust the valves, and go from there.

:rofl: … Some people love it, some people hate it. Fact of it is, it’s hard to build power without having smoke. But smoke does not = power.

Most people are just idiots to be honest with you, and think that they can black out roads, etc, etc, etc … Not to mention everyone and there brother thinks they have 500 hp.

I try my hardest not to make my truck smoke when I take it out and am crusing around, but its VERY hard in my truck … A LOT of fuel going through it.

Took a few quick pictures of the update. I got my Snow Stage 3 Water/Meth Injection installed, and had some problems getting that tuned it.

Went for the first test drive after the install, got everything that I need to monitor up to temps … pulled the armed switch, set the injection to start at 20psi … and at 25psi … BOOM … Boost lines all over the place.

Back to the shop, try it again, same thing. Finally got everything figured out, and have been slowly progressing my injection points lower and lower. I am running 3 total nozzles, One-375ml Two-625ml … Total=1625ml

I have the 375ml down to 10psi … and putting 100% output at 15psi … with the 625ml starting at 20psi … with 100% output by 25psi.

I would like to ideally see my truck with this
375ml-Start at 5psi … 100% 10psi
625’s-Start at 10psi … 100% 15 psi … or ever better.

I will see how tuning goes … But heres some pictures … I totally forgot to take a picture of the controller inside, but …

7 Gallon Tank Mounted In The Bed

180+ PSI Pump



with the 7 gall tank and coming on so low of a boost. how long will that tank last you approx miles and running like you do. and how much to fill it back up to play again. i would have guessed that the meth tank wouldnt start pumping til way higher like 40+ lbs being that you run it up at 60lbs of boost or what not.

I have no clue how long it will last … I honestly dont. Its not something that I will run all the time though.

8 Gallons is around $60

Thats the nice thing about having one smaller nozzle … I can inject it a lot eariler, to help with spool up time, and not worry about quenching (putting the fire out) … A lot of people start there big nozzles around 20psi … but since I have the smaller one spooling things up earier … Im hoping that I can bring the larger one’s in earlier, and benefit from that. I will know instantly when too much too low is there … as it will pop, and backfire … which is a result of quenching (or putting the fire out)

Keep us updated on the meth, I just got it on my car. The car is going to be meth dependent. I only have a 1.5 gal tank so, I’m running washer fluid (30% meth 70% water) just incase I have to fill up on the road.
are you running boost juice from snow? or are you mixing it yourself?

Its funny that you ask … I have the boost juice from snow (but ran the washer fluid on my test runs for the lower ratio) … but I just talked to Matt Snow himself … He also recomended the addtion of HEET to the windsheild washer fluid (blue only … and make sure is contains NO gelatin)

The HEET (yellow bottles) are pure methonal … and 2-3 bottles added to each gallon on 70/30 washer fluid … will bring the mixture up to a 50/50 mix. They have been testing it for quite a while, and have gotten great results. I figured I would pass along the information to you, since you are also running water/meth :bigthumb:

I just stalked up on every bottle of HEET that walmart had … so I am going to try this combination this week, and will keep you updated on the results

Great looking truck, love the look of it! :slight_smile:

sweet mike…stop up the shop

Thanks guys! Will do Guffey!!

Your my hero. for real

:rofl: … You being sarcastic Joe??