Smoking Ban injunction

1: I don’t give a fuck about the constitution. It was written nearly 230 years ago, when the United States had a population of a little under 4 million, at the height of European imperialism. Read some Alexander Hamilton. With a few exceptions, he knew what was up, even 230 years ago. (But don’t think I’m ignorant of the constitution’s contents; Poli Sci has always been my thing.)

2: The government has a duty to ensure the greatest society possible while infringing as little as possible regarding the rights of the individual. Cocaine should be illegal. Free trade agreements fuck the American worker in the ass, and exploit the foreign worker, so that the bourgeoisie can profit while his “brothers” go unemployed.

3: I don’t have a NetFlix account, I usually eat pizza at the restaurant, and I totally agree about the two party system. The Republicans have at least two factions: You have the absurdist, religious Republicans, who believe in upholding a ridiculous moral standard and ENLARGING the size of government (contrary to their party’s intended aim). Then you have the classic Republicans, whose interests are more served by the libertarian party at this point. As for the Democrats, they’re a fucking train wreck. There is no FDR over here. Fuck, there’s not even a McGovern. These assholes in my party are so worried about political correctness and not saying the wrong thing that all they do is meekly naysay anything the conservatives say, or quietly agree with it.

So yeah, I’d love to see party choices more in line with ideologies. I’d love to have the ability to register for a social democracy party, or Federalist party, or even a Democratic party that is more in line with FDR era Democratic thought.