My main problem with it is the way it’s being presented.
All the pols say ‘it’s for the public’s health.’ Bullshit. It’s just one more thing they can control.
If it was for the public health, then ban it entirely. No more cigarettes, cigars, pipes, chewing tobacco or snuff. No more smoke. No more tobacco. No more sales. No more tax money.
Why not ban cars, then? They put out more toxins than my cigarette. Don’t believe me? I’ll sit in my garage and chain-smoke for 3 hours. You sit in your garage with your car running for 3 hours. We’ll see who’s in better shape after.
Anyway…this is not something that should be legislated. If a business owner wants to permit smoking, then they may miss out on non-smoker business, and vice-versa. Don’t like smoking/non-smoking? Don’t go to the one you don’t like.