Snakes on a... car?


HAHAHA I used to see those cars at that trailor park all the time when I used to live in the south towns. It always made my day a little bit brighter

I bet he fucks his sister.


I love the 5 snake head statues.

ya i see this guy around hamburg all the time he is a real piece of work. and yes i do believe he lives at wal mart and on a side note he should be pulled over for driving while gay

Cobra Kahn

lol. I like the one on the passenger side fender. I didn’t know snakes slithered in 90 degree angles.

edit- oh and the i in viper on the windshield. omfg!

:rofl: x 100000000000000


firefly is no longer firefly, he is now PUNK’D

he actually has punk’d all over is car now, with #1 PUNK in huge letters across the back bumper. i just saw it go by me on a flatbed

and snake’s car is at dibbles by pegasus all the time (maybe he works there?) its for sale if anyone is interested

god. that first pic is fucking crucial.

he lives in the apartments on rogers road…i think there called lake heights

I like the concept, but it could have been better executed.


this is one of the funniest things i’ve read on here in a LONG time.


those are the shittiest apts ever.

srsly, i bring food to the scumbags there, one ladys appt stinks like a barn, nastiest shit ever

dude with the snakes on the car is a cook at Pegasus in Hamburg.

youd have to slump down and hide if you were riding with this dude.

offtopic- do u work for john and marys in hamburg?

ontopic-maybe snakes make him feel good about himself seeing how he may be lacking in some departments?

yes i do.

haha i used to work at the one in ea…i think we talked abouit this before, but paul is a dumbass. that is all.