Snow who else went and played :D

went to james garden to practise i still suck at it still have all seasons on couldny get out of the hill so i had to lap around and drift out lol there was an is300 and a golf there lol drifting well trying too :slight_smile:

well i kept my promise! i went out and had fun in the snow (or what’s left of it anyway) tonight.

i’m really gonna like winter… so long as my baby doesn’t rust.

some idiot had a lot of fun last night in the parking lot at my work…

decided to slide into my parked S13 :roll: and then take off.

i love winter… i just hate the a$$holes that can’t control their cars!

fuck that sucks. i’m sorry to hear. any big damage? got cameras to see who it was?

rape his ass!

I went out thursday night, on all the back streets by me house.

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd it’s probably going to rain in the next couple days.

Enjoy the snow while it lasts… (until the next snowfall that is)

We have some really screwed up weather. One day it’s -20 then next it’s like 15 and raining? wtf.

yeaa i hella went sliding wed and thursday night it was fkinhardcore way fun guys keep it sideways

oh man, if only my sr could drive in winter, but ive got a 240 for winter in the works then it’ll be a fun winter.

I’ll play in the fresh snow but don’t really want to play if there’s to much salt around.

I will also go play after 3 things and here they are in no particular order.

  1. Get my NEW turbo on

  2. Hit the dyno

  3. Get winter tires.

I hate snow and winter in general now but so it won’t be a long boring I’ll take advantage of the snow and attempt to have fun.

Why no SR in winter??

i have my 92 hatch beater out there…

its bananas, basically getting full sideways manji-style down the main-streets, then blown $5 in gas in every vacant parking lot i find.

the winter tires go on today so it should be even easier to get grip back.

Barrie is Great… Snow Snow Snow

AxleRod and I were out attacking the parking lots of barrie Friday nite!

S13 Vs. 86

My SR5 is Hilarious, One-Wheel-Rooster-Tail-Slide…

Ya i dropped my girlfriend off at work and had fun in her work’s parking lot in the morning time…She didn’t like that so much lol :lol:

Send her my way. This way, both of us will have fun.