
Driving the throughway today was awesome no one was on it and it was perfectly clean 75 the whole way. Took me 25 minutes to snow blow a few houses down in south buffalo.

See my signature.

Went to Chestnut Ridge and it was pretty windy and snowing pretty well at 2:30 but now at 4:39 it appears to be tapering off.

Yeah, but they only got 20" it’s just the wind and lack of them deciding to try and plow a road covered with cars that got stuck because they don’t have snow tires and suck at life.

I had +4’ drifts in front of my apartment.

My building was pretty much closed today in Peoria, the roads were really bad last night, I was going to take the jeep out but decided against it. They are plowing ONE path on all of the side streets. I came to work at 2 and the roads had dry spots on them, it is supposed to get really cold tonight.

See my Sig :slight_smile:

not sure if this was posted…