So anyhow...

I’ve decided that “2 liter” sounds like a pussy motor size, so I did the conversion:


That still sounded pathetic, so I broke out the calculator:


I have a four hundred and six teaspoon motor.

Or even better, 29,584 mm³. Now that looks a little more impressive.

(I have no idea what to do with my day off.)

So u are a smart person so i have ssen these past few years but yet to drgrate urself with these jobs u have? Y? Y not go to school or apply urself?

quit trying to make him conform man… fight the power!


I used a calculator… I don’t think that requires more than rudimentary intelligence.

As for what you said, I’m at Northwood Realty on McKnight Road. December to February is the absolute worst time to be in real estate, so I’m not bothering with any of it right now. I deliver pizza 60+ hours a week (usually 11am-11pm), drive a 20,000lb+ truck a couple nights a week (12:30am-4:30am), and pick up whatever extra mindless work I can find in order to get myself far enough ahead that when I have properties listed, I can devote my time to my “grown up” job.

as for going to school? there’s nothing i want to do that requires a degree.


i’m sure i could have easily grinded out four or five years in school, gotten some comp sci/engineering/whatever degree, and ended up with a well-paying job that i fucking loathe. it’s not about conforming; it’s about work-ethic. i don’t have one. driving around doesn’t feel like work, so i don’t mind being in my car twelve hours a day.

i don’t really want to be a real estate agent, as evidenced by the fact that it took me nearly two years from completion of my schooling until taking the exam; i just don’t want to do anything else either.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :stupid:

Dont conform to the man!!! stick it to the man!

How long have you been with Northwood?

I’m over in the Hampton office…

My Aunt works for Northwood.

well, i got in back when they were still on three degree in ross, but i just passed the licensure exam a few months ago. i’m waiting on my license coming back from harrisburg now. i’ll be in the mccandless office, across from target.

you think a 2.0 sounds weak? psssh, i got a 1.8

i’m just messing around. i’ve had cars with 1.0L three-cylinders.

Good luck with waiting on Harrisburg, I got my license before the 3rd degree office closed… I was passing through Harrisburg and picked it up in person added literally 25 mins to the trip including walking in and getting back on the highway…

Or you could have a half gallon motor… That doesn’t sound that bad…

2 liters is .52 gallons.

what is SleeperGTP’s superfabulous career?

haha, what was it? …a geo metro?

u are correct