So beasts car was stolen last night...

it’ll never happen to me, stop trying to use logic and reason!

No I was referring to the guy who killed his family

Thats 25 years that 3 things have happened with two different families (dads side and moms) Your making it sound like I wouldn’t be able to turn around without having something robbed or stabbed. Between those two families I have lived on the west side, east side, north buffalo and love joy. I walked and took public transportation up untill a couple years ago. Never got mugged, never been threatened, never hid away in my apartment.

Taken from the site you posted:

Property Crime Per Capita
Is 1.25 times the National Average

Thats not a difference that would make most people run for the hills.

There is a higher rate of violent crimes. But those are in pockets. Other then the baily and Genesse st area, I’ve never felt like I couldnt walk the streets at night, anywhere that I lived.

Not white kids, their parents.

Thats not true… whistles and looks around the room Lets just say six cop cars didn’t show up cause they were selling donuts. But thats in the past.

i think the most important part of all of this is that the beast is forced to drive my cackord to work when he gets sick of his annoying gf

i wish him the best of luck, that car can only be described as terrifying

No, the most important part is some scumbag in Buffalo may steal the cackord. I honestly can see that happening.

You could leave that fucker in Amherst with the keys in it, running, and no one would touch it. :lol:

Truth^ suburbs 4 life :tup:

the police found his car, its in the police impound lot and they said it was in pretty good shape (whatever that means)

he’s going to check it out after work today, hopefully its not too messed up

he’s prob going to have to pay a few hundred dollars to get it out too… sucks.

thats straight faggotry.

He would have been better of if they never found it…

yup :banghead:

I keep getting the vision of the Big Lebowski in my head…

pics of the car when he checks it out!

Well this was an interesting read :frowning: I never heard of any Honda thefts around here…at least any theft for the purpose of stripping parts. POS scum…

oh hai…

Funny. I saw beast drive past me on the 90 in the civic like a week or less ago.

How have you not heard of any Honda thefts until just now? Hondas get stolen all of the time. I personally know three people, aside from myself, who had Hondas stolen…and they were for the parts. My parts that were stolen weren’t even in my car yet!!

Did he get the car back?

Why is this thread bumped?

paulo sucks at the reading

Cliffs for Paulo: He got it back. blah blah blah blah happily ever after…

I just found the most recent date and didn’t feel like back tracking the thread. MY BAD. lol. Thanks for the cliffs.