So beasts car was stolen last night...

woah that really sucks. beast was upset about his cd player, head unit, some clothes and tools. cant imagine how your friend feels

did he have ins on the 4wheeler?

I have lived in the city for 5 years or so, and have NEVER had an issue… no thefts, no dents, not a single incident.

I can say the same for pretty much everyone else I know that lives in the city.

I think the problems lie in having an older honda that is easy as hell to steal, and are in very high demand with the scum of the west side. This in addition to those who have easy to steal stereo systems etc.

Dude its Tonawonda, it’s not like he moved to a gated community. I know someone that lives there and its not that great. I used to live in Lancaster and we had idiot high school joyriders just the same. I know one of the fuck-ups that did shit. The city isn’t a cesspool for scum and remember its the white suburban pricks that fled to the burbs in the first place the wreaked the ecconomy in inner cities. So if a few get robbed on their way back in (some of thbem getting robbed by the rent their paying, $2000 for a flat in Buffalo just shouldn’t be legal), I’m not gonna feel too sorry.

I have lived in the inner city and the east side all my life, minus 4 years for high school, and only had my house broke into twice and my dad had a car stolen once. Looked like they stole it for a joy ride.

Only problem I have is just tight personal space… If I find an apartment with a garage in the city, I’m there.


The city isn’t a cesspool for scum and remember its the white suburban pricks that fled to the burbs in the first place the wreaked the ecconomy in inner cities

so your blaming the white kids for making the inner city bad?

ahahhaha man u are fucked up.


This does not help your argument, it helps mine.

And you’re what, 25? “All you life” might work if you were 70.

Good point. :bigclap:

If you really want anecdotal evidence for the suburbs not protecting people from car theft here’s a great one:

A couple of years ago while I was an engineer at one of the companies he owns, Chris Collins had his Lexus RX300 stolen out of his driveway in SPAULDING LAKE. :jawdrop:

They found it in the city somewhere. No damage. Someone had just taken it for a joy ride. They didn’t even take the golf clubs out of the back. :lol:

Just sayin…

I bet there’s no crime inside grain elevators. :eyebrow:

Hard to have crime with no people.

Maybe that’s NY’s ultimate plan. Raises taxes so high everyone leaves, then when they can claim 0 crime rates across the board use that to lure rich people back. GENIUS!

People get stabbed in Spaulding. It’s real serious.


My parents had a vehicle stolen and they live in Hamburg. My fathers best friend had his vehicle stolen and his house broken into and ransacked and he lives out in wales.

Nigga please with all your fear-mongering and anti-city sentiment. Crime can happen to anyone, anywhere at anytime. You’re delusional if you believe you’re somehow safe bc you have a yard with a fence out in the burbs.

Yeah, but there is this thing called math. It’s further broken down into categories like statistics and probability. Math has brought us things like electricity and the internet. Because of that I trust math when it tells me that I’m less likely to have my shit ganked living in one area instead of another.

Sure crime can happen anywhere, but you people act like there’s no difference between Maple and East Ferry.

Stabbed with lawn darts and bruised from tennis balls.

Exactly. Yes, cars get stolen in the burbs.

In 2003, 66 of them were stolen from Amherst’s population of 111,945 people.

In 2003, 2528 of them were stolen from Buffalo’s population of 288,187 people.

Making it almost 15 times more likely that your car is going to be stolen from Buffalo than from Amherst. 5.5 times more likely your car is going to be stolen from Buffalo than Tonawanda.

But yeah, pointing that out is fear mongering. :roll2:

Yeah look how bad niagara falls is.
But thats because the population is all poor people and welfys.

Lewiston and town of niagara isnt too bad tho compared to other areas.

theft was down in 06 if Jays numbers are right. 2125 cars stolen in buffalo per 280,494 people

ehhh… I still pick the scary dangerous city… I guess im just an adrenalin junky. The chicks dig my no fear attitude. haha.

Im walking down the street to enjoy a few cold beverages at the free concert in the parkway. Cheers!

Truth. If a car gets stolen in Hamburg, it’s in the weekly paper the next week, and it’s usually somebody who left their keys in it. I’ve had one car broken into since I started driving in 2000, and it was probably someone who knew me. (They stole my CD player, 2 badges, and 1 side molding, and they removed everything carefully without damaging the paint or dash:squint:) Just to park my POS in the city for a few hours, I take all of my tools out and leave them at home (hatchback), stash change out of sight, remove the faceplate from my baller $100 CD player, because someone will steal that worthless shit and destroy half the car in the process. I’ll stick with the burbs where I can leave my shit unlocked, and I don’t have to worry about someone robbing my house when I leave. The city is nice to visit, I love it, but no way would I live there. Sad when you can’t leave an almost-stock Civic on the street, locked, and nobody is surprised at all when it vanishes.