a civic parked on the west side and you didn’t think anything would happen?
I agree. Downtown there is respect. If you fuck with someone your shit gets fucked with. Up north and in the suburbs its all meth heads
sucks to hear man.
It sucks I went out to eat for my moms bday today on elmwood at cicillias and had to park my car in a locked garage at my grandmas down the street because at least 20 different shady ass lookin black and hispanic guys were eyeballing the shit out of it when I went to park it in the street. I just dont trust anything in the city anymore. I can leave my car unlocked at night and not have to worry about it where I live. In the city i wouldnt even leave my car infront of my house locked with an alarm.
95mx6 hates black people and hispanics!!!
lol nahh, not too much. My step grandfather is rick james’s brother who is black and is one of the nicest most genuine people ive ever met in my life. I do have every reason to tho, because I was a much smaller kid( a little twig), growing up in the city, I got my ass beat and slapped around everyday for being " a white boy".
dudes got a black man in his avatar, he’s not racist.
Haha who R kellz? I love the man, piss on them hoes!!
awww sorry to hear this…poor beast. the girls that live above me had their POS civic stolen last week, right off richmond between 3-7am. my boyfriend came home at 3 and walked past their car…when we woke up at seven the police were downstairs where the car used to be.
My roommate used to live on Hampshire and has an 04 Civic SI, I’m SHOCKED nothing ever happened to it.
My BMW has only been downtown once or twice, and never overnight. it’s got a plastic rear window, too tempting!
hondas are easy to steal and even easier to unload parts… i wouldn’t be all that concerned about a bmw getting stolen.
I’ve been living in Buffalo for probably 7 years now and had my stereo stolen once. The one time I forget to take off the faceplate. I payed for my mistake, but I’d rather be in the city and be able to walk to the park, shops, dining, etc then the boring suburbs.
And for hit and runs/bumping I 99% blame on dumbass suburbanites who are too used to their driveways and walmart parking lots trying to parallel park. If you cannot park your car on a street stay the hell out of the city.
I just graduated from D’Youville on the west side after 4 years. I was driving an 01 330i and NEVER had any problems, and I was normally parking on Niagara, and did have night classes. A couple of my friends had civics and an integra, and each got broken into at LEAST once a year…they certainly are targets…
well tegs are one of the top ten most stolen cars in the country, or at least they were. Hondas are too easy to steal. Hope they make them a little harder on the new ones. Not that, that would stop a person who thought it would be worth it.
my buddies truck just got stolen from lancaster speedway this past wed too. brand new 4-wheeler with 0 hrs in the back
lol wtf? stolen FROM lancaster? thats ridiculous