So, I get a Call today...


there are other MOD’s though…

thats when u bypass teh mods and PM an admin… like vlad, or cossey… or singh…

IMO there’s mods who shouldn’t be mods on here. I’m not going to say specifically who should have their privileges taken because it’s simply my opinion. People are targeted on this forum by certain members and mods of the forum and relentlessly bashed and it’s not right.

It’s even way more out of line to take something from a forum, get the person’s personal phone number and call them to ream them out.

quoted because i got bashed 2 weeks ago for saying the EXACT SAME SHIT.

and it got flipped because it was me complaining. now that someone else has an issue its all kosher… i knew i was right… just had to wait for u all to see the light… i just went about it the wrong way.

Exactly, a display like that tarnishs Shift 518 as a whole… wouldnt you agree? Just like a person in the publics eye in real life, you watch what you say and do, and think about who you represent and think about what they might look like if I carry out my actions.

No different that Pres. Clinton getting a BJ, or Spitzer getting whores… it really is the same thing.

Wow , finally this thread got reopened. Only took me 3 times trying to make this thread with countless messages and a phone call.SIIIICKKKK

And If I am banned, this thread will be because of it .

mad drama and shit

Dude LaDude

Douche LaDouche

Snood LaSnood

Bubb LaRubb

Phone LaCall

Post your # LaDood

LOL this is a longer running joke on shift than travis. We all know the moderator situation and no one can do anything about it.

I never saw the thread until just now and from quickly reading what you posted, the retaliation you got from people you had coming. No matter how frustrated you get with someone, the second you get upset and start calling them derogitory names and swearing like a sailor, meaningful conversation to clear up the problem goes out the window.

Handle it like an adult and you’ll get treated like one.

The fuck they cant, if they create a mod they can delete one too.

^by the way in your info thing it says “formally kkkcustom”… shouldn’t it be “formerly”? :lol

No Kramer, dude wears a suit when he uses that name

This forum is biast. They won’t do anything about revoking a mod from being one because most of them are friends. I’m sure someone would get upset if they’re privileges were taken away and it would cause too much of a fuss which is more trouble then it’s worth.

Nevermind. Kramer’s right.

LOL Singh the KINGH spelling FTL. He was changed it for me. lol it will go away for in a bit wont it?

EDIT… OPPS this was an off topic reply, hope I dont get deleted…

stupid biast forum

idk lol

So put your MAN PANTS on and act like an adult. You shit your pants, you wear them.

Respect is a give and take. I fucked up once in real life, to where one of my best friends had to put me in my place. I was pissed in the beginning, but then I realized yeah I was a complete tool for doing that. and we saw eye to eye again and we respected eachother MORE for the outcome after the fact.