So I get home from India........

Go down to start the Z…starts right up but after about 5 seconds, it starts making the most god-awful noises ever and then stalls. It kind of sounded like valves hitting pistons. My first thought was teh timing chain may have jumped.

Well, NO!

That wasn’t the problem at all.

It seems as though my motor “swallowed” something…

And here is the result…

Motor only ran for maybe 30 seconds total…

#4 got it the worst, but #6 had some damage as well.

I don’t know…Freiburger would just say “run it”, but I’m really at a loss to even comprehend any of this right now…

wow, that sucks, good luck with a fix…

wow that F-N sucks,clean it up a bit & run it!

Wow, it ingested something while sitting for a while? You certainly can’t run it like that…hot spots all over…

wow. That REALLY blows… sucks to see someone having about as much luck as i have with 80’s V8’s

That’s because the porno red GT haunts your ass.

LX >


That sucks, Mike. Is that head cracked on #4? If not, I’d say clean it up & run it for the rest of the summer.

What the hell is it & how did it get into 2 cylinders? Tough to tell what it is with such a close up shot.

sweet jesus I can’t even look at that.

Man that sucks. Maybe you can clean it up a bit and run it for the rest summer anyway. Good luck.

that sucks mike

Good lord :frowning:

that sucks i say clean it up and run it. what is worse you have to lose now. try to patch it up enough to run it for rest of year.


Took valves out of the head and didn’t see any obvious problems/damage…valve seats looked ok to naked eye…

Got a fresh head gasket and put head back on…adjusted valves and did compression test.

#8 - 200
#2 - 200
#4 - 120
#6 - 30

Guess not…

This is really fucked up…

bent valve?

I took them out and spun them on the workbench…I thought they looked ok???

I guess I need a new head/set of heads…

Still not sure what it is…but I agree…how the fuck did it get into two different cylinders???

from the intake

possible you had a used intake from a blown motor?

Well, I pulled it out and tore it down…

There were pieces of metal in #1 and #7 also.

The piston in #6 was crushed on one side so badly that the rings won’t even move.

Cylinder #6 has slight damage at the very top of the bore…may need bored out, machine shop will have to determine that.

So the damage total is:
Both heads
Four Pistons
Maybe the block

It just doesn’t get any better than this!!!

sorry to here!

Any idea what happened?