So I got my phone bill

so what you’re trying to say is you’re 15? coooooooooooooool maaaaaannnnn

not as good a deal as blue hippo funding :headbang:

i mean it’s cool that you don’t get all riled up by everyone on here and all, but it isn’t stopping you from looking poor

I can bet a 100 bucks it was a sales person who was bored at the shop and going through customer lists and checking bills and accounts to see if they could save you money by adding a feature and they accidentally clicked your data package off

I used to do this when I worked for cingular out in Lancaster and I made a shit ton of commissions off of it by just noticing a simple add on feature and calling that person and explaining that they could be paying 5 bucks a month for texting instead of paying per use and costing them 25 bucks a month

Its more like asking the phone company to block you from calling 1-900-hot-gaysex and then you constantly calling and thinking you should get it for free instead of saying, “hey self, I said block this, i wonder why it still works, clearly I must just be getting it for free”

why because i dont have texting and i dont care to have it because its pointless to me. id rather talk to someone for a minute and find out whats up that text for 10 min trying to wait for a response. to me texting is pointless and not needed.
also looking poor. fuck think what you want. i pay for everything i own. sure i live at home but its because i go to school and go threw about 35$ or more every other day on gas. for reasons i dont care to drive for.
and if that means my family is poor, i find that hard to believe…seeing as we are building a new house, we have a cottage, and all other sorts of things. but yes, im poor.

and for the 15 year old comment. far from it.

its funny how people try to talk shit on here when in all reality if this happened to them they would probably do the same damn thing. but online have to act like the big guy. most the people on here come off as either rich pricks that mommy and daddy pay for everything or people that think there cool and better than everyone when really all they have is there car. you probably live in a dump and look like a fucking slob. and also probably cant get any pussy. but please rip on me because you all know me apparently

Let me get this straight, it’s the phone companies fault for you not having

self control? Wut?

your whole trying to rationalize that texting sucks argument fails because you did it when you thought it was free, and even tried to deactivate it to stop yourself. So it sucks when its 15 cents to send a message, but when it’s “free” then you text away. If it was free, you’d still be using it. Sounds pretty poor to me.

Every time I read one of your posts I get dumber. So basically you continued to text because you thought you were getting it for free. They billed you for it, you complained, and continued to text. You didn’t learn your lesson, and they got you again! They’re not stupid, you are, because you fell for the same shit multiple times! A few people at the phone company are laughing at you in the break room right now.

hey something free why not take it/use it.

as for the phone companies fault that i dont have self control. fuck that. how many times to you have to tell a business you dont want something that they can physically control but never actually did it. and was told 3 separate times. how many times do you need to tell a business to turn something off, that they do on a regular basis.

why would they be laughing. i get the laugh. i got no charges for it and actually got money for it. also they had in the notes that were read back to me that they said they turned it off 3 separate times. ssooooo again if its in the notes thats it should be off and not. thats the companies fault. they have proof that it should be off and wasnt. there mistake

The overbearing sense of entitlement you are able to project through your posts, coupled with your apparent struggle with written english, makes me want to choke you.


i no youve always like my english on here. if im not mistaken, when i first came on here you gave me shit for it. lol what ever, dont care for the spelling. you still understand everything im saying. plus im lazy and dont care to change what i mistype. :awdrifter:

God this kids custom title is accurate. Even still, can it be changed to banned?


lol banned. for what. and funny. i really wouldnt even care if i was banned. its a forum. i just started coming back on here to pass time at work. i think half the people on here that reply to these threads are a fucking joke. and i cant believe how often some people are on. like they have no life.

Regular consumer customer care is a bunch of fucking morons and generally i have to do their jobs for them.

Business end user care BEUC, or business care for those of you with FAN numbers on your accounts are really great helpful people.

Good to see it was all taken care of.

I actually agree with what you said. I sit at my desk and browse to pass the time when my phone isn’t ringing.

My account is a business acct.

i mean really. if people want to try and be dicks on here go ahead. its not going to really bother me. not like ill see them. and half the ones like i said that act all sweet are the ones that all they do is put all there money into there car and dont enjoy life at all because they dont have the money to. or they just sit on here all day.

i sit at my desk, talk to idiots on the phone all day and then come on here and have to talk to people that only know cars and thats it. most of which (not all) are fucking scumbags, low life’s, and poor pieces oh shit that make fun of or pick on people here to make there life just that much better, when in reality the person there making fun of probably has it better than them. again not all people on here.