So i guess im back now. :)

Hi guys and gals. Id like to start off by appologizing to people i may have ignored and to my loyal customers if its seamed like ive been MIA. Ive been dealing with some serious marriage hardships and even though these things happen in life we need to push on. I took like a 3-4month hiatus while i sorted my life and feelings out and sorta rediscovered myself. Anyway, my personal life aside i will be accepting appointments for dyno sessions and for custom fabrication and regular maintanance work. Time to start catching up on bills and getting more of my work and name back out there. :slight_smile:

Hope to hear from you guys/gals soon!




I got a few little things for you to do John, stuffs already at the shop.

Good to hear your back going strong.

:tup: Good to hear John.

Hope whatever marriage hardships you had are now settled for the best.


Welcome back…I returned from a 6 month hiatus myself just over a year ago. Hope it is all worked out for you as best that it can be.

Marital issues are as bad as it gets, good luck with everything.

Glad you’re back, I’ll be contacting you closer to spring :tup:


Done anything with bike frames??


I still need a retune in spring time whats the deal?


Illl be hitting you up in March!

can you tune power fc’s by any chance?

Stand up guy here!

