so i guess my car is slow

Nope, none made it to the track. Sorry And I dont enjoy sitting around a fucking parking lot with a bunch of kids when I am not actually doing something constructive. Feel free to browse around here… Thats a decent start to what proof I have of my hard work dont in the last year or so, only the pics I had on my work pc. I havnt even turned on my personal pc at home in weeks because I am not sitting on ass I am working. Want more proof you will have to wait I guess.

Who’s shit did I jump on about their work??? I only recall jumping on that piss poor weld job that Mclaran posted up, and I actually gave him a shit ton of good VALID info to pass along to the guy that did the work. I busted on Seamus for some MINOR things I saw in his sti thread, and we ironed them out respectfully. I fucking HATE Howard and anything RLMS related, becasue I have zero respect for goons making a ton of money bolting shit together and assuming they are gods to the automotive world becasue of it. Other than that who do I jump on and shit on their hard work??? Please quote me, as I may have missed something. I have brass balls, and will say “yep you are right” if you can do so.

No I really dont. I know alot about some particular things… and when I see something thats not 100% correct and I think I might have a valid answer I say it. I dont go spouting off specs on this that and the other thing about 1000 different platforms, or pretend that I build fucking space shuttles for NASA… I say what I DO. And when was the last time I “acted tough”??? When did I call someone out and say “lets go fight” or “I bet an tougher than you”??? Again quote me on that, refresh my memory.

Sorry champ. I have a house, a business, 5 cars, a wife, lots of tools, and there for lots to loose if some dumb mother fucker like Tony or Howard were to somehow pick me out of a group of people, come at me, and I get arrested for defending myself or get sent to the hospital over some internet bullshit, much like what you are doing when neither of them or you has ever met me! I dont go home and hide behind mom and dad. Being one step ahead of the retarded people in life, getting a restraining order for example, is called protecting your ass. I “run my mouth” on the internet just the same as anyone else here, yet because I am associated personally to other people who they already went after I felt I might be next. common sense.

I am 5’8 not a legal midget. See what i mean about how the men separate themselves from the boys here? You wish harm, tough talk, want to throw down, laugh at others pain, etc… just like a little school boy on the basketball courts. You are a fucking child. Just like the “redline guys” you think need to set me and the rest of the community that doesn’t swing off that balls straight. Since I gave up on the children who need work done on their cars here, my inbox is full of work requests from the respected OG’s from shift, the older crowd that gave up the bull shit a long time ago, and the smarter more respectful younger people on her. so what ever you think I am failing to do, is well, not true bro. But what ever, I dont need to prove myself to simpletons like you, no skin off my nuts if you dont see eye to eye with me.