So I just got back from the MACC center....


$400 is wallet rape just for someone to go “oh, take these for your headache, im not going to bother to do anything im trained to do”

and if she needs more medical attention, and it turns out that the next doctor just has to do PROPER tests / exams to figure out the problem, fucking sue


Damn! What did you do to get metal in your eye? Sounds pretty painful.

Now, you kinda see where I am coming from more. She works as a pharm. tech so she isn’t the dumbest person in the world with this stuff. She knows what is typically perscribed and she was expecting something maybe along the lines of a migraine medicine. She was taking excedrin too and that wasn’t working. When I was in the Air Force and had really bad photosensitivity from the flourescent bulbs being a foot away from my face everyday they gave me naproxen I think it was called? I dont know, they gave me 4 diff meds for my migraines. She gets 800’s after she told him that she has been taking it already. Aren’t there some tests or SOMETHING? That is exactly what I was thinking, but to be a cocky piece of shit and try to talk down to someone. She told her mom the same as me, that is why im finding it hard to think she is fibbing. And they told her about the insurance thing as she signed the “out patient” log, which I find ironic. Wouldn’t you normally take care of that first before admitting someone knowing that they might not be able to afford it?