So I just lost my job. V.Unemployment

I’m in the same boat. Got the boot a few days after christmas.

Been looking ever since.

Unemployment is a pain in the rear. I’m finally getting my first check, and its the 26th of january.

When you sign up, they make you call in and talk to an operator, just explain your situation, and give them some personal info.

I did this, and have been signing up every week on sunday to get the check (220 dollars in my case or some shit).

Anyways. I would never get anything deposited into my account.

You would call, it would be this automated bullshit. You would try to get an operator on the phone, it would say all operators are busy, please try again later, then it would hang up on you.

So I was calling like once a day for the past month. I even called every number in the phone book, they all said I had to call the automated service only. I even went to the labor office on transit, they handed me a sheet that said call the automated service. There were five people ahead of me in line with the same problem, they couldn’t get through!

I finally got through today, after racking up tons of minutes on my cell phone. The girl just said, oh the woman who did your interview didn’t activate your benefits, i’ll do that now, and deposit the 5 checks that we owe you right now.

Well gee thanks. Thank god I had money in savings, and other money to live on , and I didn’t need the unemployment money right away, or I would have been out on the streets.