So I just lost my job. V.Unemployment

Good for you man, definitely make the best of this and go back to school.

$9.50/hr isn’t very good, hell Mighty Taco is hiring for $8/hr or something like that.

after being unemplyed for 7 months from a shitty mechanics job i got in at NU with full benefits,great money,free school, everything paid. great job i love it…so there is hope for some of u out there if u try

Move out of Buffalo. Plenty of decent paying job down south. If you know how to operate a CNC machine i might be able to help you out.

if you guys are still having trouble getting through to a person on the tele-line, shoot me a pm i’ll help you out.

I went down to the office, the lady there gave me tips how to do it.

Her tips actually worked.

If you press any wrong buttons, it will tell you to look on the website to solve your problem and hang up on you.

If you call when they are busy (usually wednesday is their busy day), you will never get through to an operator, it will just say all operators are busy and hang up on you.

I called friday morning, with no problem to get my issue taken care of.

They picked up in 2 minutes.

what are all of you going to the office and calling, all of this can be done online without even calling 1 time.

Yeah you can claim online, but when you have a problem, and your funds don’t get deposited, then you need to talk to someone.

o, ok cool i see. I didnt think of that.

actually if you know how to operate a CNC machine there are plenty of decent paying jobs in the Buffalo area. but for some reason people would rather make next to nothing working in a call center rather than breaking a sweat and getting a little dirty for a decent wage.

Exactly, right now my dad can’t find anyone to work in his shop. Next door to his place a company has been trying to hire a welder for about a year.

It seems everyone left. :gotme:

yeah we are having the same problem at the shop i work for. it seems the only people left are the worthless trash that noone wants and are being passed around from shop to shop through temp agencies. i keep trying to convince my boss his best option is to hire inexperienced people straight outta high school. but even then…teachers are not showing these kids that skilled trades is a viable option for a career anymore. which seems ironic seeing that this areas survival is directly related to skilled trades.

i say you should bartend… doesnt have to be graveyard at a nite club or w/e… just a busy place… should make plenty of $$$

Bartending is good money for early 20’s, but only do it if you are in school and pursuing a real career at the same time. You dont want to be 25 or 30 and decide you want a real job with advancement opportunites, and have no relevant education or experience on your resume.

I’ve seen it happen to a lot of people, they get comfortable in a relatively high paying job like bartending, serving, etc when others are in school or in lower paying entry-level ‘career’ jobs. 5 years down the road, the college people are far ahead, whereas the people who went for the higher paying jobs that didnt require a degree are at the same spot as they were 5 years prior.

Oppurtunity cost FTW

OOO, im planning on taking the welders course that the local boces is offering, something ive always wanted to learn, that and i LOVe metal working