So I nearly killed myself today...


I stopped reading, right here…

How the hell did you fit 4 people in your car?

i spun out last night with chris chasing me around a corner while filming. good times and all on hdtv camera, so its extra high quality.

but i was trying to loose traction.

Haha… my thoughts exactly, if someone is willing to sit behind me, I’m gettin the leg, room, not them.

If it hasn’t rained in a while then the first rainfall will always result in “slicker” conditions.
All the oil and rubber etc that had collected was mixed with the rain water just waiting to send unexpecting drivers into the ditch :smiley:

Hooray for FWD and HLSDs, I had so much fun ploughing around escarpment corners on the weekend. Point where you want to go, mash gas.

Worst mistake besides having a full car of ppl is that you probably wussed out and let off the throttle, causing your car to lose control.

^^^ Yeah, that can be deadly at the edge of traction…front end quickly leans forward, shifting the weight off of the rear wheels. Trailing throttle oversteer. At traction’s limit, the rear’s going bye bye! :slight_smile:

Glad everyone’s okay. Something has to happen to each 240 owner, so whatever, get practice in a snow-covered lot sometime, and do it by yourself.

I think people are misunderstanding…
He didn’t TRY to drift the car, the back end came out unexpectedly on him.

But anyways… snow filled parking lots are your friend.
Practice practice practice.

wheeeee, real LSD :lol:

yea I got my 1st taste of the rwd + rain = drift the other day last week when it just starting pooring outta no where and the tires in the back were so bald the belts were coming throu… having the ass end go where it wants @ 50-60km is something new for me… haha

Thats how i practice. lol.

so how did you nearly kill yourself?

and if spinning out was the same as drifting, my mom would be the next CHUNKI BAI!!!

since lots of people talking about practice…

Drift Practice Session IV on August 20th.

You’ll learn a lot more than learning to drive in a parking lot.

Yea! Jover always has the best drift days, w00t to that sh!t y0

im there!

Yup yup.

And Jover is right, I did pussy out and let go of the gas. I was told that will make my ass go back in? Anyway, I didn’t touch the brake at all, I knew THAT shiet was suicide, and I was successfully drifting for about 3-4 seconds, so :stuck_out_tongue: spilner.

Gonna take it easy for awhile and appreciate not dying and taking 3 of my friends with me/totaling my car/causing my insurance to go up, etc… I’m thinking of trying the parking lot thing, but there are no good parking lots around that I can think of, nor do I have the time to do anything like that working 7 days a week and all. For now all I can do is work harder, and get my car ready so I can take it to the track next summer and learn a thing or two.

And GT, Andrew, etc… WTF did you find a mountain in Ontario? This place is flatter than a 9 year old.

  1. This story is getting boring

  2. You suck if you are gonna freak out over spinning out. You spun out, not drifted.

  3. 9yr olds are not flat

  4. Stop using the word ‘drift’ for ass kicks and shit. Gosh.