So I realize that school is out...

Yeah, that shit drives me nuts. Especially around here where they conviently forget about the sidewalk. Wtf.


I need that on the miata.


Haha, yeah it does.

i just gun it at them while beeping, usually i never need to use my brakes because they literally dive out of the way lol

good thread because on main street about a half hour ago four little skater kids were skating down main in the right lane and i almost hit them … i would have been pissed if i did , the fact that i damaged my cars on hitting a skateboard and a useless kid thats out at 2 am

i really hate having 2 cars with 2 horns that dont work :bloated: :banghead:

i love when people like stop in the middle of the street to talk to each other while in their cars still blocking up both lanes. srsly, pull over, get out, talk.

fucking christ

i must be a motor head, because sometimes when i cant sleep at night,
ill go in the garage and close the door behind me, and i guess its just… the sound of revving the engine, and it puts me right to sleep.


i must be a motor head, because sometimes when i cant sleep at night,
ill go in the garage and close the door behind me, and i guess its just… the sound of revving the engine, and it puts me right to sleep.


tee he he


I have a lot of anger.




i must be a motor head, because sometimes when i cant sleep at night,
ill go in the garage and close the door behind me, and i guess its just… the sound of revving the engine, and it puts me right to sleep.


or the carbon monoxide :stuck_out_tongue:

I usually give them 2 honks and then I am fucking flying if they aint moving. Plus I get those badd ass kids in buffalo playing in the street. I had one group of kids diving in the grass. I had one kid cross the street in front of me, not running but walking trying to dodge cars. I did not slow or anything. I was hoping i hit him with the mirror of my girls escape which is already cracked and needs to be replaced so it would not have been a big deal to me.


I had two black kids throw a penny at my car the other night, I pulled over in front of them and threw a full bottle of water at the one kid, hit him square in the neck. It was probably the best feeling in the world.

Fuck with me, little shithole punks.

i live in by the ghetto.
we have sidewalks, but hell walking in the middle of the street at night is so much safer.
even better is when the 17 y/o moms are walking pushing their strollers in the middle of the fucking road.
ask IanK, he’ll tell you exactly how it is by my house. one of these days i’m gonna just plow em over and not care.

I go by the point system.

The rarer the target, the more points.

ex.) P-Rican, pregnant, trashy, smoking, female wearing bedazzled booty shorts…150 points.

:rofl: :bigclap: :rofl:

Place in glove box and spray. Real cool when your covered in string faggggs. A super soaker will also do the trick.

i remember when i was younger, maybe 13-14… I was driving with my mom down a street next to my house and these kids were walking 6-7 wide (all girls with 1 guy) down the street… it has sidewalks too.
So my mom was going to go around but i was like nooo go straight.

So she went straght, and all the girls moved off to the sides of the road, but the guy just turned around and made faces and made my mom stop for a bit.
i was like lol wat. (they were maybe real early high school-middle school age)

A few years ago a bunch of kids were “heckling cars” near an intersection in OP. One of them stepped back into the street into traffic, and my dad broke the side mirror off his Accord on the kid’s back:tup: They all ran for it. Hope he had a nice bruise to remember it by. I miss having a loud beater that could scare people with.

i was going to ask you to do the exact oppostite… i’ll be around on friday afternoon btw.

I would bet that in the Town of Tonawanda you could have ass hats like that charged with disturbing the peace.
The teen trash girl down the street was walking with her boyfriend screaming about how shitty everyone on the street is and walked by the wife while the kiddies were on a slip-n-slide swearing and whining about losing something…

The wife told her she needs to calm down and watch what she says around the kids…
Her response was more swearing and death threats… lol So, wifie called the cops as it was enough to scare my daughter.
The officer said she could be charged and arrested if my wife wanted to file the complaint… I’m still amazed wifie did not just punch her in the face. She has done worse over less in the past.

The result. My wife made her apologize to my daughter and that was it. I’m still waiting for a thank you brick in my window from her or one of her loser friends.

The police should not be required to teach kids right and wrong…

People who live in the city, regardless of race, never seem to give a fuck about inconveniencing anyone. They will just stare you down as they slowly cross the street in front of you. You can almost read their thoughts. “Fuck you, YOU have to wait for ME”.

This is also true for suburban wiggers.