So I want to build a motor

My sr seems to be getting a little tired, so I’ve decided to build one over the winter. I’m looking for some ideas from you guys as to what pistons, rings, head mods, cams, turbo, ect… my goal is between 300 to 350 whp and built to be bullet proof. Go…

Cody… take my advice or bad things will happen.

buy a pre-assembled bottom end from RS Enthalpy…


wait, didn’t you say it was going to be an sr? kinda tough to do.

wait, didn’t you say it was going to be an sr? kinda tough to do.

Why? I thought sr’s can be quite tough if the right parts are used…

“Bullet-proof” means iron block. SRs are made from old pie tins and cans of coke.

ok…ok… so it won’t be “bullet proof” but you know what I mean.

How much are you willing to spend?

And no offense to Enthalpy, he’s a fantastic tuner, but there are better people to build motors then him…

If your goal is only 300-350rwhp I would not bother building an SR. They are well proven to be able to handle that much power in their stock form (with maybe a metal HG)

Assuming you spend 5 grand on a rebuild (easy to do) you could just as easily have bought 5 SR long blocks.

When one pops (if it pops at that power level) simply swap out the long block.

This would be the best use of your coin given your power goals.

Simply building a motor DOES NOT gaurentee you anything…it never has. Bulletproof is a word that should be left to describe the fatness of a guys wallet, not whether his/her motor will last.

^ What he said.

Do some cams + minor headwork, and do valve springs, retainers & RAS. Doesn’t really do a whole shitload for reliability, but you’ll make the power easier, and I just plain like rev happy motors.

Matt Vassallo, former driver / tech for Enjuku Racing, is selling a fully assembled bottom end with forged pistons etc. etc. built by Scott Avoy of RS Enthalpy Racing for $2500 usd right now.

pistons and con rods and bearings will cost you over $1500 cdn. then you have to have all the machining done and the down time.

If i could go back and do it all over i would have gone this route without question.

Bob, i am sure there are people who can built awesome engines, but there is no one around here that has done it to an SR20.

I feel very uncomfortable about putting a bottom end in the hands of a competent machine / assembly shop that has never seen this engine before.

Trust the build to someone who has done it hundreds of times.

This advice is coming from someone who has lost thousands on an SR build btw.

Hey Cody… I’d suggest starting off by doing a Compression Test on the motor and see if its decent

You also gotta realize your only running on a T25 and its not that great. Also, if the turbo is pouched or started to go, the car wont feel very quick. But if the Comp is good then I’d lean towards the turbo going bad

And as stated… if you only want 300-350whp you do not have to “build” the motor. Just get a block & head and have it rebuilt so its fresh and throw on a HG “as stated already” and your done… Just need a bigger turbo, bigger injectors, bigger maf and something to tune with (those alone are a pretty penny)