so i was workin on a car at work...

and i had this eary feeling something was lookin at me so i turn around and find this staring me down…

i couldnt help but joke with the owner sayin u need 2 new tires, brakes are low and ur kwazi motto is loose.

lol, wtf! i hope u left it in there

WTF what did he say about it?

he said that he was havin a stealin war with his room mate. so his room mate stole this from his room and had a “your gettin warmer” game to see if he could find it

Quasimodo? Is that you?

jesus chrsit thats scary i would of fucking freaked out

i thought he lived in a bell tower?

lol im playing one of those right now and i have the item and i told the people involved that if they could find it they get $500. its been 8 months and no one found it.



thats freaky

lol, that would of scared the shit out of me

was it tied in ?

Hahaha, creepy as fuck.

glad it wasn’t a chuckie doll. i would have shit myself.



something similar happen to me once but it was a dead bird

i totally would of told a story if it was my car and you asked me…

“Sir, do you know why a quazimoto doll was in your undercarrage?”

“Oh thats there too? I hit a kid a week ago holding that and a shrek doll. I found the shrek doll but never could find the quazimoto one. Thanks.”

it was tied right to the support.

ive had dead birds and what not but the best was a flat repair come in and finding a bullet lodged to the inside rim.