so im getting sued...

get her on the phone again admitting it runs …

/court case

that might work i could get her to admit to it but how to record.i have no knowledge on that

just use a phone with speakerphone and use one of those cheapy hand-held recorders

yeah but i dont want her to know its on speakerphone then she might not admit to it

just crank the volume then and put the recorder RIGHT next to the earpeice immediatley after asking “does it run”

I’m sorry, but I find it hilarious that all of this is over $500. Forget all the other conflicting evidence that could cause you to lose the case. I mean, just in the time you’ve committed to this thread, you could prob. have thought of a way to make $500 back another way.

truth. this thread is one big clusterfuck of confusing information.

thank you newman!

What a crotch.


youre such a dumbass its totally remarkable. You put yourself in this situation.

When you guarantee something you better know it works

I really hope you get totally fucked…

no really tell us how you feel.


listen to newman. eat the $500, hopefully youve learned something here.

get the car back and pawn it off for less.

Youd be 10000000000000x better off doing this than going to court. What if the judge holds you responsible for the repairs? Then youre out more than the $500. Then youre really fucked

wtf ever happened to common sense?


easy, he has none, nor that little thing in his head that tells him fucking people over is not good karma.

Let me get this straight…

You told her in writing that it would run BUT, it didn’t run when you sold it to her?
You’re fucked.
How long was the warranty for?
You better hope you listed the duration or you are fucked.
Dude it is $500! Just give her her fucking money back and take it to the junkyard.
She saw you coming.
She probably swapped out all of the good parts.


note to self: for future reference, do not sell used beat up old ROTARY mazda with a written statement saying it will run.


Hey guys, I don’t quite think that he has understood that he shouldn’t have put “guaranteed to run” in the bill of sale. I think we should all post it like 20 more times so he gets the point. (/sarcasm)

Oh, and just get her on the phone and record it like HRK and FIP suggested.

U shoudnt have ut Guarenteed on the Bill of Sale…but it runs it runs…how well is a different story…this remind me of when Addicted2boost sold his VR4 and the motor blew like 2 weeks after he sold it and the kid wouldnt pay him

AS IS :ham: /thread

How by the time you read this thread you could have made $500?Please tell me how