So I'm looking to pick up a bicycle and have a few questions...

I have been looking at this bike for my gf:

We went looking at bikes the other day and she picked this one out. I know MSRP is $559 and that is what they had it priced for at the store. Now I looked online and I couldn’t really find it anywhere with an actual price on it.

What’s this thing really worth? Anyone here sell them and have a readily price for me?

Gus may be able to give you some info on it. Worked in a bike shop for years. Or call Campus Wheel Works, friendly staff, good prices.

I just pm’d him. He has done some work for me in the past. I know I’m being cheap, but hey it’s a damn expensive bike!

Nothing wrong with trying to get a lower price.

+1 to Campus Wheelworks.

You may not get the lowest price there, as many of their bikes are close to MSRP, but the guys are very helpful when trying to figure out which bike may be best for you. The even helped me out regarding a bike that I wouldn’t be purchasing directly from them!

Yeah, I got a good guy at Berts that was very helpful in finding this bike. My gf liked the way it rode and was very comfortable with it. Just looking to get a price to work with.

chances are you wont get too much of a break on price if its a current model year.

i worked at a bike shop for 7 years so i have a fair understanding with how things work.

IMO the best thing you can do is get them to throw in stuff on the back end (waterbottle, waterbottle cage, helmet, pump, etc etc)

But to be frank with you a $5-600 bike isnt really considered to be “high end” in the sense that they will toss in a bunch of stuff just because most shops will move units around that price all day everyday

now a days an entry level mtb runs you almost $300 and they go well over 10 times that price so just know that going into it when you try and play hardball

Yeah, I figured it was going to be tough. I guess I was just looking to find what the markup is on something like this, which I did find out. At least I know what I can negotiate on now. I am not expecting 100’s off, but I just want to know that I am not going to pay retail for it.

markup is based on volume of product obviously so a small shop like campus will pay more to get the unit than a large shop like berts

that being said try and not take it personal when they dont cut you a smoking deal

Gotcha. I will probably end up scooping it from Berts since the kid there spent a lot of time with us. I’m not one to waste someone’s time and the kid seemed to know his shit. A little too much product knowledge, but he meant well.

I ended up paying $600ish for a Trek at Berts no issues…

They give you a free tune up and random other stuff with the purchase.

yeah i worked at berts for many years…squeeze the ole man for a few tubes or a waterbottle and cage if youd like

When I move to more expensive road bike I will probably hit one of the smaller shops however.

I just bought my gf a canondale Hybrid…I think it was right around 600…7ish with the add ons…like helmet…shorts…etc.

I am pretty pissed at Berts or the Canondale rep since when we got it home after their tune up…i had to redo the front brake because it was misaligned and rubbing the tire instead of the wheel…right before i put it in the back of the suv, the canondale rep came out and showed us how to remove the front tire for travel and jacked with the brake…grrr

I bought my Cannondale mountain bike from the EA bike shop and I have had good luck so far (knocks on wood)…my only issue was that I snapped my XTR Shimano derailer in half when I hit a tree on trail and it left me stranded about 2 miles from my car. They fixed it under warranty and I only have to pay for labor. I had Gus tune up both of my bikes and I will probably take anything to him in the future. I will trade work with a fellow member for beer anyday :slight_smile:

Just picked up a Cannondale 29er, and I got my gf a 26" Schwinn. Bert’s took care of us, knocked $50 off and threw in some goodies.

LOL at being “pissed” for having to turn a screw to adjust the brake

Yes I am…on a brand new 600 dollar bike that i waited an hour for them to “tune” It should have been ready to ride the moment I got it home.

you just said yourself the cannondale rep did it when loading it in your car

90% of the time its the customer who doesnt seat the wheel all the way after taking off the front wheel for transport…

So I just sold 1 of my 2 bikes for sale and the same buyer may be back for the 2nd so I will probably be picking this bike up by the end of the week.