So its officially dead here now? This thread turned to shit... Literally =

I had my routine down perfectly. Wake up at 5:30am, let the dog out, give him fresh water and breakfast, let him in, throw some clothes in the washer, let the dog in, then at about 5:45am be on the shitter. Worked out awesome as I was always empty when I went in to work. Now, my routine is all off balance with my early evening bowel movement. Some days I’m in the shower 4 times when I had something that doesn’t agree with me. I could never do that 3 day juice cleanse thing.

I troll about once a month now… I’m too busy building things non-automotive related. For those who wonder…I still have my BMW (haven’t driven it in over a year though)

I still have my Z, drove it on Christmas Eve :tup:


On topic, this thread is hilarious for so many reasons…

Bring back the NSFW Section! WOOOOOOOOOOOO

the jailbait thread needs a comeback!

Bring back ilcisdead

Yeah NSFW is great for when im bored at work!


i’m all for NSFW but i think it affected the google ads and we need those and the vendors to actually keep a VB forum operating properly.

this is why most other forums disappear… first they get slow then it becomes unviable to keep them operating without hoards of spam

The clicky grabassery got the best of this place. It was never really a community. Everyone from the original forum and the college “crew” is all 30 + with wives and houses, no time for foolery.

lol, so says Just Karter posting under a troll name.

I think the lack of organized social gatherings has taken a toll.

I plan to get out alot more next year. This was a busy summer and had way too much going on.

im basically on the road all summer but much availability in the winter… tried to get food club going last year but to no avail.


I say its always the classifieds that bring me round to check the forum. but Meets im sure would help. give you something to talk about before and after the meet.
I know the Xterra forums Im on the big threads are the meets even if not every one is going pics of the trip and event bring alot of attention.

I wish I could say that you are the only person I know that has this issue. Did you learn this habit when he was your roommate?