So its officially dead here now? This thread turned to shit... Literally

But what about the Squatty Potty?

i refuse to use a toilet if there is a possibility my dick will touch the seat. We visited my in laws over Christmas - they have a perfectly nice bedroom for us. But my dick touches their toilet seat. It’s like the worlds shortest (length wise) toilet. So I made my wife stay in a hotel. She thinks I’m insane but I know I’m not the only one who feels this way.

edit: their toilet is so short that my dick doesn’t actually touch the seat, it flops down over the front of the toilet. I don’t understand who purchased such an absurd thing

You’re wierd

a couple years ago I brought two 2’ long 6x6 steel beams into the bathroom at school and gave it a try, it wasn’t all that great.

I did the same with 2 small footstools. Unimpressed with the results, but there is lots of science behind it. Maybe I need to give it another go.

The commercial is well, uhhh… interesting.

They are absolutely not safe to flush, especially with septic.


What about when you fart, and its just a fart not a shart… Do you wipe?

What about when you go into a men’s washroom and blow your nose only to realize what a terrible mistake or was to open you nasal passages

Yep ive done and regretted that

No. That’s just weird. In order for me to wipe and then need a shower, something needs to breach the seal if you will. A super hot smelly fart after eating way too much broccoli doesn’t create anything that taints my bung.

It taints the bung.
This is why you freshen up before you tongue punch the dirt star.

Funny as shit (no pun intended)! My wife is a staunch supporter of the theory that farts realease “particles” apparently of solid / semi-solid or dark matter. Makes farting naked in bed a no-no in her twisted book.

poo particles

Mythbusters killed this theory

That’s what my wife calls them.

No. Because there would be feces in your underwear. Dark matter-LOL

pooticles. Can’t call them shiticles because that’s actually more like dingleberries.

I can’t sleep naked because I don’t trust my wiping ability.

Bringing us back full circle to showering after each BM. I can’t sleep in the summer without a blanket on me no matter the temperature.

I can’t imagine not showering before bed. Going to sleep and rolling around in the days sweat and what not. gross.