So mcnabb says black qb's under more pressure in the nfl


let me also ask you do you beleave african americans show racism towards white people? If you do then why pull the race card when they do it towards african americans. Either way i think its wrong but theres another double standard for ya. Also in no way do i want to sound racist and people that know me and my situation know that im not im just trying to make a point.


You are retarded :lol: I mean keep reaching, but broad generalizations aren’t helping you man. Of course some African Americans show racism just like any other race (Caucasian, Asian, Indian, etc), and in varying degrees at that. So what’s your point? Everyone pulls the race card.


You totally missed the point. He was basically saying “People criticize me so much because I’m black.” No?

He is claiming that he is criticized so much because he is black. I would argue that, as his performance is what is criticized, he is criticized for his performance. Makes sense, no?


Then you are missing his point. He is not talking about his recent performance being criticized. He’s talking about the overall picture of how the black QB is criticized not only in mainstream football, but BY THEIR OWN AFRICAN AMERICAN COMMUNITY. Or did you guys miss that part?

Still waiting for proof that McNabb whines about being black instead of taking responsibility for his play or his teams play when the Eagles lose …