So my boss is an a$$hole...

This one time, at band camp, I gave a crap about a thread like this.

You got 2 choices: take it like a bitch or talk to your boss aobut your expectations of him as your manager when he is good wing ( referencing the bipolar aspect ). Otherwise he will just continue to pull shit like this over and over. Worst case scenario is, however, you walk out of that meeting looking for a new job.

darn, i had visions of you turning on all the lights over at like quaker crossing and announcing that everyone has to gtfo, no refunds

Then why bother posting in it?

in for pics of bitchy lesbian stripping.:smiley:

you said

Maybe you should try phonics so you can learn how to read. I said 7-3:30…as in 7am-3:30 pm. On my day off he decided to change the schedule (from what it previously was and I had a copy of becuase my shift changes all the time) and he did not bother to call and tell me “hey I changed your schedule so you are working first shift instead of second like it says on revised schedule which you did not get becuase you had the day off, and had no way of knowing I changed it”. Does that help your understanding of the situation or should I use smaller words?

:rofl: don’t bitch about how unfair your boss is and how you need to work when you don’t even spend time working id say sending you home just catches them back up for the shit you pull while there paying you.
Does that mean I can bitch about not getting paid for my lunch breaks, which are automatically deducted, even though I only take maybe 1 a week? When we are busy I don’t take breaks because if I do then I don’t get my cork done for the day and its just that much more shit I have to do the next day. Some days are slow, but the vast majority of them are quite busy. Or should I say that I want the back money the owe me for holding off on my raise for 3 months, when they promised it to me when I came back this year, but then froze all raises for seasonal workers? My major complaint here (if you have not already figured it out) is that my dick head of a boss changed my schedule when I was not there, hence I was un aware of the change, and then bitched at me for coming in when I was supposed to according to the old schedule instead of the new.

I know I’m probably just exacerbating the situation in this thread and you guys will continue to be rather irksome…but I would expect nothing less from the vast majority of you guys…so flame on.

Edit: I don’t smoke pot regularly (contrary to popular belief). It was one of those “eh what the hell I’ve never done it before” things. Due to the medication I’m on it damn near gave me a heart attack. I did however get a new prescription for some weak sauce muscle relaxers for my shoulder which just make me fall asleep lol. I swear to god I could take the entire bottle and it would just make me tired as fuck.

So yeah cliff notes:

~my boss is a prick
~I’m not a drug addict (too broke for that shit any ways)
~weak sauce muscle relaxers make me sleepy

you are the one choosing not to take your lunch. they in trust you to balance your workload correctly. if you don’t like whats said here don’t post shit

I’m amused that people shit on you for your spelling and grammar. Then you take the time to add proper punctuation to your posts. (Including apostrophes).