So my boss is an a$$hole...

lol nice double team.

enjoy the day with some weed.

Wow, this turned into a gang bang real fast.

you get to smoke weed and fish on the clock.
I’d say your even

Next?! Step right up folks! Everyone gets a turn!

My GF works over there at Darien Lake. The horror stories are unbelievable. The people there suck…

That stays in this thread


beat me to it!

:rofl: dont bitch about how unfair your boss is and how you need to work when you dont even spend time working id say sending you home just catches them back up for the shit you pull while there paying you.

I quit a job for something similar. During a mid day shift I left a half sub in the fridge by itself at 11:00 am, to eat during the dinner hour (shift was 10:00 am until 9 pm). My boss ate the 1/2 sub I put in the fridge for lunch, without asking or evening mentioning it. I asked around about it and called him at home.

Rick:oh that was yours?
Me: yea, and you knew it wasn’t yours, it was the only thing in the fridge!
Rick: well its no big deal, just go get another sub and I’ll give you the money.
Me: I’m closing the theater and kicking everyone out. I quit.

It was awesome. He had no respect for anyone or anything.

Already said…but maybe a good joint and some fishing would bring you 2 closer together.

:lol: at this entire thread.

what theater ?
kicked out all the customers and employees ?

Quit middle of the day on a Tuesday, then start your own company.

That’s what I did, and I make 30% more than I did before. :tup:

Edit: And I get to work in my undies and go to the track whenever I want.

Edit edit: But I get dressed for the track.

So who wants a mustache ride?

Haha, that’s awesome Mike, I can totally see you doing that in a very calm manner too.

My boss a lesbian. And lately she’s been a bitch.

Tonight, she accused me of turning the A/C off, even though it was still on. Then when I told her it was still on, she blatantly rolled her eyes at me, and asked me if I had just turned it back on. I’m like, no, I didn’t even shut it off. She called me a liar and left. What the fuck. I mean, I didn’t get in trouble, but I hate how she just thinks she’s always right and I can’t do a thing about it.

But she’d give me the shirt off her back, so I guess I can’t complain too much.

Things covered:

Pot references
crappy job
fishing on the job
poor grammar and spelling…

I’m not needed here…:io:

It was a one screen deal, the Palace Theater in Lockport.

Yuppers, everybody out!