holy shit dude. i’m at a lost for words.
Ouch… what a shot to the kisser…
Looks like you need a friend in the inside, and pronto.
wow…i wudda wanted to get outta the car and beat the crap outta the guy…thats a bunch of b.s. …i have no respect for most cops(there are exceptions)…they waste their time on nonsense stuff like that(or racing around and driving like crazy ppl wen theres no need for it,setting a bad example) wen theres other problems that should be dealt with and take more priority over giving ppl tickets because their exhaust is too loud…or they look for a reason to give you tickets…yesterday i was out…and i think i saw the most cops out on the road ive ever seen in 1 day…what is it…tryin to make up for what they missed on their last quota…i also hate that…whats the deal with quotas…maybe they shud fight crime and b.s. like they shud…what theyre getting paid for, rather then choosin to ticket sumone over sumthing stupid rather then going after all the idiot drivers on the road who cut ppl off…i dont know how many times ive nearly gotten in an accident because ppl dont check blind spots…or they just choose to cut you off, or theyre not paying attention to the road and whats going on around them…grrr
You honestly have NOOOO idea how close I was to doing that.
I agree with you Shorteaz, some of these cops like the one today, is the BIGGEST ****ing waste of my tax money, now i seriously want to stop paying tax just to end their ***ing pay and make them go live on the streets eating sht.
Although, I can’t be completely stereotyped and biased against all cops. I’m not like the cop today who stereotyped me. I know there are decent cops who will let you go and not give a shit or are actually kind, yes KIND. which explains how I got 7 warnings, I say 4 out of those 7 were pretty nice. they even say “Drive safe” “have a nice day” “Dont drive too fast” “thanks for not doing it on the street” etc etc…
Tickets in the mail? I’m assuming he ran out of tickets (and didn’t have the new ticketing machine) and read the ticket info to another officer or dispatcher. I thought he had to serve it to you, although now that I think about it, he doesn’t need to. Photo radar tickets were mailed as well. shoot.
Request a trial. When they give you a court date, ask for disclosure, etc. and ask to change the date. They have to have both officers at your trial (the one at the site, and the one who was listening. They have to make sure that the transcription was correct, and this can be challenged at court.
Good luck, and I hope this luck changes soon!
shi t… so much hassle… I’ve already got enough problem with that 70 over ticket
**** man that sucks… what a ****ing asshole… cops in toronto ****ing suck i hate them all… they pull you over for random shit like they have no life… why become a police officer all they do is pull people over nothing else thats why our crime rate is so high cause they all idiots… easier to park and eat there fat asses off than to actually do some police work… sorry to hear man…
dont cops watch this site…i remember suumoone saying so…maybe im wrong
^^ yeah… rick’s “constable friends”
LOL and rick’s bashing them hahahhaha
lol get the “^'s” in the right threads!
^^ actually that was intended. it’s ^^ not ^^^ like the other thread. BIGGGGG DIFFERENCE!!! :rolleyes:
haha yea yea sure sure
Rock on!
I have found the secret jedi-ways of running up the post counts!
if u did, then u would be in the top 5 spots…
im sure he will take my spot soon.
just like you did.
nooow bak on topic…u gotta let us know wat all these tickets r for wen u get them in the mail
I don’t intentionally try… I’m just an off-topic thread starter-er… I come across too much random shit to not share!
You guys can hold the post-whore titles of TNC, I’ll be the randomness dude.:A
Yeah for sure… I’ll be ranting about how ridiculous they are… I have a feeling that i’m in a for a big surprise…
LIES!! you’re just using that as excuse to cover up your post whore status. YOU’RE A POST WHOREEEE
aaahhh its not gunnna be good…ur lawyers gunna be makin a lotta money
congrats, i know how u feel, i got cought doing 127 in 60 that ticket ended up costing me $1250 lawyer included, i ended up keeping my license, but i had to pay the ticket in full and keep the points on my license, after this august coming up, its off my record