So poor people.

So I’m at a gas station the other day, filling up my car and looking around to see if I can clog my arteries any faster before paying for gas. And this rather tubby woman waddles in. Maybe it was the stained clothing, the fact she should never EVER wear shorts, the overly tight shirt, or the shoes that were most obvious need of replacing since the 1980s, the fat rolls threatening to swallow everything she was wearing, or any number of things. Either way it was immediately obvious this was one classy lady when she pulled up to the pump in her Malibu.

Visibly holding about $60, from the moment she walked in she looked a bit too excited to spend her last money on gas. Apparently she was living the American dream. By that I mean shoving fast food and anything sugary down her greasy gullet, and playing the lotto so that she would never need to “work” again.

Meanwhile I pissed away 2 minutes of my life deciding I didn’t really want to become a huge tubby tubster, and skipped the so called “food”. And felt my time would better be spent waiting behind this rather smelly person. So apparently she was still trying to find the best way to spend her monthly income, and decided about $40ish of scratch-offs, and $10 of tickets would suffice.

So the cashier, doing their thing making a generally honest living took care of such only to be uninterrupted intrusively by our real American hero who was making me dizzy with her stench. And decided to play it big and buy a $10 scratch-off. Thus spending all her money, satisfied she waddled off like a big white duck. Awesome, so I pay for gas within seconds and I’m ready to go out the door. When captain classy rolls her ass through those double doors visibly upset.

The reason, apparently instead of spending the money on something useful such as:

-A bar of soap
-Not buying snack food
-Anything really
-Finding a job

Or perhaps best of all, that magical pisswater used to power cars down the road. Apparently in her excitement she forgot to save a bit of money for filling up her vapor filled gas tank. And now had no way to get home, besides hoping that one of her lotto tickets paid off. Needless to say I was laughing my ass off, totally made my day. :rofl:

Cliffs: Tubby buys lotto tickets, has no money to put gas in her car. Real American hero born.

as always.

A fucking excellent read.

if you want to tax the rich you have an income tax, if you want to tax the poor you have a lottery…


lol…good end of the day read


Really fat poor people especially suck.

hahaha good read.
I lol’ed

very nice.

A++ would read again

Go America!

you shoulda stuck around while she scratched for added enjoyment or even some let down


leave my mom out of the threads you make fuzzy

Lottery, taxing people who suck at math.

I wonder how many of her scratch of tickets already had the grand prize claimed.


Thanks fuzzy

:tup: Good story

:tdown: Editing and grammar

Excellent read, but the story makes me want to choke a baby bunny. Fucking hell I hate the cesspool of entitlement this country is becoming.

Sounds like a typical outing at walmart :shrug:

I used to work at a retail store and would deal with this kind of thing on a daily basis. You have no clue how pissed I would be when the first of the month rolled around and people would come in and spend my tax money on shit they don’t need. I remember a very “urban” fellow that came in one day around the 1st of the month and bought a $1500 LCD TV and paid cash. He was bragging to his gf/wife/escort about the damn TV even before he got out of the store. He was especially proud of the fact that he could play Madden in HD now. The stockperson who carried it out of the store for him told me that he had asked the guy to pull up his car so they could load it. He said the guy told him “to leave it on the sidewalk because he had to call a cab to get it home.”


lol call a cab to bring your nice new tv home…

priorities straight fo sho.

a friend works at verizon and has to regularly check credit for people before they sign new contracts…and i’m not going to mention any specific race or ethnicity or what not…but there’s a certain “group” that he says ALWAYS lives up to the expectations of the negative assumptions/rumors affiliated with them when it comes to having shit poor credit…because they think they’re better than the people they apparently owe money to, and that paying credit cards/loans is never priority.

fucking pisses me off…because then rates go up across the board…including mine, to make up for these scumbags that companies can’t collect from.

Awesome story. :bigclap: