So this crazy bitch tried to run me off the road...

If any of you are familar with Countryside Road and Airport Road
intersection you will know what I’m talking about.

I take Countryside Road West to get home.

I come to the stop light at Airport Rd. intersection.

It’s a two lane road after the intersection but it’s only two lane for maybe
a couple hundred feet and then it merges into one lane. And since it’s not
a fully finished street, they haven’t put a Lane End/Merge sign up.

What I usually do is I stay on the far right lane and as soon as light goes
green I take off and then change into the left lane.

So today, it was some Mazda 3 with a nice looking chicita driving it.

I’m thinking she’ll take off slow, no problem.

Light is about to go green and she gets a rolling start. :wtf:

It goes green and the bitches guns it and so do I.

I came like || close to fuckin gettin driven off the road (and into a ditch)
because this bitch didn’t want to give me way.

Nice looking bitch tried to run me off the road. My car, a Ford Contour V6
Sport didn’t have enough grunt to over take a Mazda 3 :hsugh:
Oh god how I wish I had my car back.


you shoulda chained her car and ramed her off the road

it’s your own fault for trying to cut her off

id run you off the road too!

I would of done the same thing from the light, just if i saw that i was not going to pass her, i would have just of slowed down and get behind her.

I did nothing wrong.

There is no sign saying the lane I was in is a right turn lane.

There is no sign saying the lane I was heading into is a merging lane.

Sure they’re all given and is common sense but if we want to get into technalities…

Ah well…

If i saw a brown dude tryin that, id do the same thing :shock:

She has right of way, no matter whether you like it or not.

I’m with shift_krunk… if I saw a brown man trying to get in front of me from the lane that’s ending I wouldn’t let him in either :wink:

that intersection is alot better now then it use to be for sure. I use to get skool busses and cars try turn left off Contry side to head south on airport when i was turning left on to contryside. they though they had the right of way for some reason and would honk at me?.. and G any idea whats with the TD bank there and nothing else around?

I’m not bitching on who had the right of way. Obviously her.

I’m more susprised how she tried to run me the fuck off the road.

Talk about road rage. I’m generally a courteous
driver but I’m always eager to get home as fast as
possible and I dunno about you all but I find a lot
of drivers on the road are just painfully slow and
are such bottlenecks at time.

Pavel and I had some older guy in a Volvo try to run us off the road for no real reason. He came up beside us in an oncoming traffic lane (which became into a turning lane) and tried to swerve right into us. He ended up coming to a screeching stop and almost nailing another car. All while he had his wife and kids in the car, I’m sure he got his ass beat for that one.

People are nuts.

lol that was funny

i remember that


Well if she had the right of way, why are you bitching because you didn’t slow down to get in behind her? You ran yourself off the road :lol:

The question is, did she drive fast or slow after she raced you? Cause what if she was in the same position as you and didnt’ want some slow Contour in front of her :P. If she drove slow though I’d be pretty pissed off

Women shouldn’t be racing. :squintnono:

And to correct myself, she was in an Mazda Protoge not a 3.

Gonad rules…I love the way he tells stories, cliff’s notes and all.

And his thoughts on women are always “enlightening”. :lol:

Keep up the good work man haha…but seriously, some people need to stop hanging out in the express lane on highways, that’s the big one for me. I find myself feeling the same way as you G - usually courteous but once in a blue moon something totally random happens and just drives me nuts.

Oh one last thing, the reason you didn’t beat her was because you were granny-shifting, not double-clutching like ya should. Yes, even if your car was automatic.

this one time in orangeville my friend was ripping it down broadway after #10 and this guy was in the merging lane and i guess he thought he had the right of way in a MERGING lane

so anways we flew past him them went into micky d’s

and he boxed us in and started honking so we backed into a parking spot and got out of the car

this fatass 40 year old who looks like he played hockey his entire life and never got over highschool was driving a green EK civic sedan and had his wife and 2 kids in the car, his wife of which had a blanket over her head

he proceeds to get out of the car and say


and this carried on for a while

and then we steped towards him

and he said if we came any closer he would knock us the fuck out, and he had his two 8 year olds in the car

so my friend took the golf driver out of his car and i went up to him and proceeded to laugh at him while my friend held the driver in his hand and was like so your going to do what?

and he was like fucking goof! and ripped it off

fun times

the fuckers at mickys d’s didnt give me sweet and sour sauce with my nuggets so had to eat them naked…ew.

G is just mad because he got owned by a Mazda 3 and to top things all off it was driven by a chick :lol:

Bahahahahahaha Whaaaa happen? …The contour doesn’t have enough? …Oh wait I shouldn’t make fun of the contour because I once got my ass handed to me by a Contour SVT in my Buick, but at least I beat it off the start for like 8 seconds so if my lane was ending I would of got ahead of him anyway! …So ha! I still wouldn’t have pulled a G :lol:

The Contour is my dad’s car. It isn’t even the ‘real’ car of the family :noes:

Wwwhats the ‘real’ car, the one in the garage on jackstands??

Wwwhats the ‘real’ car, the one in the garage on jackstands??

No you’re thinking of the wrong garage.

I’m thinking of this one.