So this is what happened to SkyGirl...

i expected more from you rob :stuck_out_tongue:

on l6 1 cc per hp.

and in addition im not fan of rb20’d but the engine should not have had any problem doing 44 runs if it was either installed right or strong enough, both of which apex should have checked.[/quote]

Yea i forgot about that.

WHY THE HELL DID NISSAN MAKE A 2.0L 6 cylinder. They must have been somthing in the water in japan that day.

And your 1cc per HP is never that good. It is only a ROUGH approximation.

Hey skygirl click on this

And the best pic of the day (taken from Beyond)

i expected more from you rob :stuck_out_tongue:

on l6 1 cc per hp.

and in addition im not fan of rb20’d but the engine should not have had any problem doing 44 runs if it was either installed right or strong enough, both of which apex should have checked.[/quote]

WHY THE HELL DID NISSAN MAKE A 2.0L 6 cylinder. They must have been somthing in the water in japan that day.

its liek the mazda 1.8l v6 :lol:

Just like how a screwdriver is a way better tool than a hammer. Like… in your dreams, hammer.


  • Mike

I dont think anyone who posted in this thread is envious of a fuckin R32 GTS-T :roll:

In a drag race,great, but a monkey can fucking drag race. Tell me how a car such as a Lotus Elise can destroy vehicles on a track that have double and triple its horsepower?You obviously have no clue about road racing and what a properly setup car can do regardless of horsepower.I hope that Skygirl will back up this talk and bring the car out to our track day.I really could care less who wins I am just sick of people talking big about their car when they have never really driven it

This is getting better and better…

wow, a black r32 gts-t… I am just so amazed of the rarity and egzoticness… especially when this car is still sitting my garage

i think you forgot beyahhhhhhhhhhhhh hahahahahahahahahahaha

Like I said I will be at SCC. I doubt I will come out to necc’s track day. Slide you also dont make sense you sit there and say I am insecure? Look who started this thread? :lol: By saying shit about me you think you look cool and I will give you that you are sooo cool! Im thinking of importing the same car you have to be just like you and I might even stretch my tires for ya too. :roll: Anyway this thread is gay and its thanks to you cause you made it :axe: And of course all the other people posting in this thread will be on your side and I REALLY dont much care about them either. You were an asshole when I first came on and still are. You started this shit in the VERY begining way before I posted pics of my car. :rolleyes: I hope you give it up now and move on. By the way I dont care for you to be my bitch either. I am building my car for me not you or the other big mouths on this thread. If I cared what you thought I would have stetched tires and my car would be rubbing the ground. Please grow up now and stop posting shit about other people on the internet. Its a small world!!!

There… fixed that sentence for you.

Slide called you out, and you bailed. That’s an unbiased fact.

This thread can now die peacefully.

  • Mike

Actually after discussing it with friends depending on what time I have to be at the track I will come. I am going to Calgary saturday morning and wont be back until early afternoon. At first I didnt want to come alone to face all of you dissing me and my car but I am coming with people to support me! Let me know when I have to be there. Then hopefully that will settle Slides issues with me. By the way I didnt FAIL and I didnt drop off used parts and say make it work. I guess all the people who know what they are talking about saying my set up is good must be stupid and you all must be smart.

Slide: Come to the UC meet this friday I want to know what I am up against and I will also bring my car. there are a few people very intrested in seeing what I have to race to defend myself. If you cant make it friday bring it saturday!!! I am coming to your track day so you can come to the meet. fair is fair

There… fixed that sentence for you.

Slide called you out, and you bailed. That’s an unbiased fact.

This thread can now die peacefully.

  • Mike[/quote]

LOL I was writting my thread while you posted this. I should learn to type faster. Am I missing something here? What would be the diffrence between scc and your track day same shit one pass down the track. I am not drifting to compete against him sorry I didnt build my car for “drifting”!!

Oh and thanks for changing my sentence I really like it the way you put it.

ummm the necc event is an autox …not an episode of pinks HAHAHA

SCC is racing in a straight line… it’s 90% car, 10% driver.
Track day is racing around corners… it’s 80% driver, 20% car.

No hate coming from me… just calling it as I see it :slight_smile: SCC hardly tests driver ability… it’s just a big power/weight ratio contest. Track days really test the driver… at one of the earlier events, an experienced driver in a bone stock 2.0L VW Jetta came and beat the shit out of everyone by a good 10 seconds. He was competing against 400hp monsters with LOTS of suspension work. It’s ALL about the driver.

There’s no drifting involved… just sharp corners and small straightaways. You should definitely sign up and give Slide a run for his money!

  • Mike

This was sent to me from a friend. I have to admitt Nice car Slide and nice vid! I am mature enough to say that.

Skygirl - make sure you register ASAP if you want to come. Email with the req’d info (check the thread in upcoming events for all details)

Mike - SCC actually has an AutoX as well as drag.

But HP isnt going to win you an autocross. There has been a festiva with 80hp you regularly beats up on 200hp cars.

I’d just like to say:

When I first got my car, I bought parts, told the shop to throw it in and make it work. It didn’t, engine blew, shop bailed, and I was out alot of money. Everyone poked fun for the longest time, but whatever, I learned a valuable lesson, and did the next setup myself, and it seems to be working very well.

When everyone was poking fun and bugging me about blowing the first engine, I didn’t bitch and complain, I took it because it was deserved, and by taking that, I learned to NOT fuck up the next time around (knock on wood).

Skygirl, just take it lightly. You are over-reacting. This should turn into a fun and fair grudge match, not a hate and bitch fest.

You’ll learn that it was just an engine, that guys will always make fun of you when an engine blows, and the next time around will be better and faster, and you’ll earn alot of respect the next time around because you’ll know alot more, and will probably do it yourself, the right away.

Good luck to you in your quest for powah! :slight_smile:

Thanks Jeff, I learnt my lesson trust me. We are swapping the motor this weekend and I am getting james with the rabbit to tune it for me. I am also changing my management. And yes on my part it isnt a bitch fest no longer. Hopefully everything works out the second time around! :anal

Hey skygirl. Start reading.

Slide I hope you didnt send that to be mean. I will actually read it though! LOL I will come and give it a try if you personally teach me the basics really quick. But seriously I dont think I would come close to you in that comp so you can win by default! I dont want to compete against you in anything. By the way sorry for calling you names that was uncalled for.


heh heh so much drama, what is this 780 tuners!!! since when did NECC become a soap opera? haha either way good luck to you both at the autox