So this is what I got paid to do today

At what point do you become a stoner then? Its only experimenting the first time.

I have my own views on the subject… anyone who is around illegal substances is not allowed near me for any extended length of time. I don’t need that shit in my truck, on my property or associated with me. I have a career, a life, a house and wife (and I can also rhyme cause I don’t smoke weed). That isn’t shit I want to put on the line to hang out with someone I’ve been trying to “help” for a long time now, who has decided to do one of the few things I do not tollerate. Its disrespectful to me (as a friend) because he knows I don’t stand for that shit at all. I’ve “lost” many friends over it. I’ve also had some of them come back to me and apologize for taking that path, and I’ve helped them rebuild their lives.

You guys should know JEG by now… he has the worst life in the world… and everyone should comfort him. Now by mentioning that he was high while fishing he is looking for a new crowd to chill with. Fuck that.

I don’t know any potheads that are respectable and successful. If I do (without knowing it) its because they aren’t on the net bragging about it and they keep it out of my life and away from me.

If I got pulled over for speeding, got searched… and for some reason someone’s bag fell out of their pocket into my vehicle and the cop found it… I’d be fucked. Thats not a risk I’m willing to take for someone who would disrespect me like that.

ineedacar… not sure what bad meant… ??

I’m also a very successful fisherman. This pond is like 3/4 acre 500’ from my house. He is medium sized for this pond. Its September of last year… so no, it wasn’t pregnant… just meaty.

Maybe you can hang out with him then. :gotme: